If You’re Not Pissed Off, You’re Not Paying Attention

I saw this headline the other day: al-Qaida Has Rebuilt, U.S. Intel Warns

The summary is that despite our efforts in that area, “al-Qaida has used its safe haven along the Afghan-Pakistan border to restore its operating capabilities to a level unseen since the months before Sept. 11, 2001.” And, of course, Bush is going to use this report to bolster his argument that we need to stay the course in Iraq, because it is a hotbed of al-Qaida as well. Um, excuse me fuckhead, WHO MADE IT ONE? Iraq was NOT a hotbed of terrorism before we attacked, before we went in and made it a poster crusade for terrorists. And I wonder if al-Qaida would have been able to restore its strength to pre-Sept. 11th levels if we had retained our focus in Afghanistan, rather than being diverted into Iraq?  Whatever happened to catching bin Laden, dead or alive?  Last I heard, the neocons were saying he wasn’t so much of a threat anymore.  Not looking so much like that, huh asswipes?  W. has consistently used this threat as an excuse to shred our civil liberties and to funnel money to his robber baron friends, and we let him get away with it because he’s MAKING US SAFE. Um, no, not so much. The weird thing is that right after Sept. 11th, I remember some (not all, thank you) good Democrats even being willing to give him the benefit of the doubt…they said, he may not be the man I voted for, but maybe, just maybe, he’s the man for this job. Again, not so much.


  • kookiejar

    I pretty much had the same thought, J. He and his cronies are going to use that report to justify more spending on their ‘War on Terror’, but people should realize that this war hasn’t made anyone safer at all. I’m just so furious with these people I can hardly speak.

  • Ml

    This is so sickening! How much more can W. screw shit up. Wait, I shouldn’t ask that question because he seems to find more and more creative ways to make a mess of everything.

  • Py Korry

    Terrorism is THE issue that defines Bush as president. If he can play that card over and over (with some success), then he’ll do it.

  • ally bean

    Bush likes fear and problems. That’s all he knows. Take it away from him and what would he have to talk about? Nada. So as long has he reigns that’s what he’ll focus on– regardless of the truth.

  • Lalunas

    My favorite catch phrase from X-files is Trust no one. Now that I wrote that, it may be missing some words. I don’t trust a thing this President has reported. How do I know what is the truth. Weapons of mass destruction, Catching this evil bin Laden will be the ultimate revenge, we are on orange alert because to high terrorism threat. The list goes on and on. How do you keep the American public supporting this crap war, make them fearful for their lives every step of the way. When it looks like we should pull our troops out, throw in some major fearful terrorism stuff and then you will get another extension to keep the troops over there.

  • Maya's Granny

    Right after 9/11, we all hoped he would raise to the need. People have been known to do so. He was, after all, in charge and I don’t think anyone could do anything but hope he would figure it out. Of course, that was before we knew that he had been dismissing reports that it was coming and defunding anti-terrorism efforts.

    I don’t think I could have lived with it on September 12, 2001 if I had known that not only had we been attacked so horribly, but we were in the hands of a madman. It wasn’t long, however, before I was more afraid of Bush than of bin Laden.

  • dew

    I have suspected the motives of this sociopath ever since the day he stole the 2000 election. No, honestly, long before that. And everything he’s done since then had just reinforced my mistrust.

  • Gloria

    I’m not a U.S citizen, and though I like reading politics, I’m not well versed in American politics beyond those published/broadcasted by various medias. This was really frank of you, and I think it is also how a non-American citizen would see the issue as.

    “Iraq was NOT a hotbed of terrorism before we attacked, before we went in and made it a poster crusade for terrorists.”

    Very true.