Hold on to your…..selves….

Looks like mouse testicles have many of the same properties as human stem cells, and so they’re thinking that human testicles may hold out a lot of hope for human medicine….read more here. And boys, hold on to your…um….hats…


  • Lotus Reads

    How exciting if it is proved to be true!!! Unfortunately, there seem to be a lot of false leads and snake-oil salesmen in this area of research (as
    the S. Korean example illustrates).

    Still, this gives us something to hope for!

    My daughter (gr. 9) just completed a unit on stem cells and because she likes me to quiz her before a test or an exam, I find myself having to read through her work. Fascinating stuff!

  • Pony Storm's Ride

    Although Mickey (Mouse)is in his 80’s, he hasn’t been heard from in a long time. Do you suppose they’ve got him strapped down in a lab somewhere, pulling cellular material from his testicles with a syringe?

    On your 1/6/06 Meme 5 entry, it seems you had a very similar experience to mine with a Pontiac Sunbird. The whole cooling sysem and engine block went KA-BLOOEY! I am thankful, after twelve years, to learn that the whole Sunbird line of cars was probably fell into the “lemon” category.