Happy New Year!

Dick Clark New Years Eve 2008
Thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday yesterday. Really, I feel blessed to have such wonderful friends and family. I had good wishes here, on Facebook, on the phone, and in person. I feel like George Bailey, with his message from Clarence: “Remember, No man is a failure who has friends”. Indeed.

I had a lovely birthday, thank you for asking. I would suggest waiting awhile before attempting the California Academy of Science, as it was an absolute ZOO, totally overcrowded and busy busy busy, and we could only stand about an hour of it before we had to bail and go get lunch elsewhere. Really, though, once the crowds dissipate, in a few years, it will be a lovely place to visit. We came home from our visit to find tickets to the Academy of Science in our mailbox, a gift from my dad. They’re good for 6 months, so we’ll be going back one day soon. We’re thinking maybe we’ll play hooky from school and go on a weekday when no one is on vacation, and hope for better luck then.

We came home and rested a bit after our lunch, then we had a few friends (Cherry and Eric, Dorothy, John, and Autumn) over for dinner, which was a lot of fun. We feasted on fresh crab and tri-tip, then we played ‘Pop Up Video’ and had fun. Dorothy, John, and Autumn went to another party, and Cherry, Eric, and my group had fun singing along with the Karaoke feature on our cable package. We made it until midnight, which I wasn’t sure we were going to do at one point. It was a lovely evening.

I decided today that I am both fortunate and spoiled. I wanted to go to the Academy of Science, and I went. I wanted to see my friends on my birthday, and they came. We went to a lovely New Years dinner at LaLuna’s house this evening. My brother fulfilled our wish for an XBox 360. I wanted to get my hair done, and Ted gave me a gift certificate for that. There’s more and more, all wishes that I had, wishes come true. I am truly blessed, and truly thankful to Ted for being such a wonderful, generous husband. I am blessed with my friends, both in real life and online. I am blessed with my family. Ted, Maya, my dad, my step mom, my brother and sisters and their families. Ted’s parents and siblings and aunt, uncle, cousin. I am surrounded by support and love.

I felt this love and support so much this last year, when my mom was sick. When she died. It kept me going. It was what helped me to get out of bed in the morning, to keep going on and having hope for better days ahead. While I don’t want to sound like a spoiled Hollywood actress thanking her dog groomer while accepting a useless award, I do want to say, Thank You. Thank you for your love and support and friendship. It has helped me more than you know.

Already, 2009 is looking better. Happy New Year to you and your loved ones. May it be a year of love and laughter, health and happiness, prosperity and hope, for us all.


  • Autumn's Mom

    I feel blessed that we get a new beginning every year 🙂 We had so much fun at your house. The food was delicious and it was just a fun festive night! If Ted wants a rematch, just let me know 😉

  • Cherry

    Awww! That is a beautiful post. And here I though you were going to poke fun at Ryan Seacrest and Dick Clark just by seeing the picture.

    I was so excited to get to see you on your actual birthday. We had a fun night with you guys, and who knew so much Pop Music knowledge was held between us all… oh wait, no.. we totally all knew. Oh and the yummy crab and tri-tip was such a treat!

    Here’s to a wonderful year my dear friend!

  • Barbara

    Julie, Happy belated birthday and happy new year. It sounds like you had a lovely few days! It’s so nice to create memories with family and friends.


  • Ted

    Yay! I’m glad you had a happy birthday. It was a fun party, but, like you said, the Academy of Science was a zoo and really decreased the “fun factor.”

  • patois

    I’m so glad I read this before heading out today to the Academy of Sciences. Maybe I’ll go on the next minimum day the kids have. Maybe that’s the key. Glad you’re enjoying everything you’re getting.

    • J

      Hmmm, Patois, you’ve just given me a good idea! Maya has a minimum day coming up in a few weeks…maybe we should try again on that day!

  • jMo

    Happy New Year to you too and a very happy birthday.
    I can’t imagine 2009 being as bad as 2008, but then, you never know.
    Let’s hear it for a positive attitude.
    Hip hip, forget about it.

  • Nance

    Happy Belated Birthday and 2009. Was “off the grid” and missed you on both! Now that I am rejoining the universe, I’m madly attempting to catch up.

  • amuirin

    Very belatedly, a happy birthday to you. Sounds like a wonderful one. I got warm just reading about all the love and sharing among your friends and family.

    I hope 2009 is wonderful for you and your family.