Happy Father’s Day

Several years ago (look how young Maya is in this picture?), Ted got free tickets through the station to go up to Six Flags Marine World, and we went. While there, some photographer guy snapped a photo of us, and ever since then, I keep getting emails asking me if I want to buy a product with the picture on it. Really, I don’t. I’m not sure how many times I have to tell them this, but I don’t. Or at least, not yet. Maybe in a few years, when I look back and say, “Gosh, look how young I am!”, I’ll be more tempted.

But if I were to buy a cup with the picture on it, I’d buy two. One for Ted to keep on his desk, and one for my own dad. I’ve been thinking about it, and choosing who you marry is not only choosing a husband for yourself, it’s choosing a father for your child. In that way (and every other way, actually), I have chosen VERY well, because Ted is an excellent father for our child. I love Ted to bits, and he’s definitely earned a virtual mug with a photo on it. (Doesn’t that sound like a Facebook gift? Like poking someone or throwing a sheep at them, when you don’t actually poke or throw…) Instead, we went to see Spamalot last night, and today we’re going on a hike near the Golden Gate Bridge in his honor today. Fun, huh? Happy Father’s Day to the best father our daughter could ever want.

As the child, though, you cannot pick your parents. I had no choice in who my father was going to be, what kind of father he would be, that sort of thing. But if I had had that opportunity, I could not have chosen a better father than my Dad. He’s generous, caring, sentimental, smart, moral, dedicated, and loving. He never lets my sisters and I doubt his love. He never lets our Step-Mom and Grandma doubt his love. He’s there for you, cheering you on in the good times, and supporting you through the bad times. My mom’s illness last year really reinforced to me how important my Dad is, and how much I needed him righ then, and always. And he was here for me.

Thanks Dad. I love you so very much. Happy Father’s Day, even if you don’t get a cup with an unflattering picture of your daughter and granddaughter on it.


  • Ted

    Wow! I’ve earned a virtual mug! You know what they say, it’s an honor to be nominated. 😉

    Loved Spamalot last night, and looking forward to our hike today!

  • Starshine

    What a sweet fathers’s day post!

    “choosing who you marry is not only choosing a husband for yourself, it’s choosing a father for your child.”

    So much truth in that!

  • C

    Love this post! You are so right about the “choosing who you marry is not only choosing a husband for yourself, it’s choosing a father for your child” part. Soooooooo true!

    Okay, you had me laughing with the virtual mug being like a Facebook gift! 😉