Friday Randomness

I had such high hopes for this month and blogging. I posted on January 1st, and again on January 2nd. I was on a roll. Sure, they were both just recipes, but still. It was momentum. Then I lost it. And here it is, 3/4 of the way through the month. Sigh.

Guess what? I’m a human pincushion. I’ve decided to try acupuncture for my non-rheumatoid rheumatoid arthritis. I’ve heard it can help. I went for my first session last week, and it wasn’t horrid, but I didn’t feel any relief. I was told that it sometimes takes a few sessions, so I went back today. I do feel a little better now. I also have Chinese herbs that I’m supposed to take, though I keep forgetting.

Also on the arthritis front, my doctor increased my dosage of my meds. I think that’s finally helping a little, too. I dislike the side effects, which include a nasty taste in my mouth, and often feeling queasy. Plus many my tinnitus is getting worse, but I’m not sure on that. But the pain isn’t as bad as it was before, and I’m not as worn out, so that’s a good thing. I can’t believe this has been going on for 6 months now. Miserable. Is this the rest of my life? I hope not.

In other news, Ted again received DVDs to watch so he could vote in the SAG awards. Last night, we watched ‘Cake’, which came out in theaters today. I liked it a lot, though it was fairly depressing, and I found myself watching Jennifer Aniston walking around in such pain, and wondering if that’s how I look. Stiff and careful and miserable all of the time. Ugh. Aniston gives a pretty amazing performance as a pill popping drunk trying to cope with her physical and mental pain.

Are you watching Downton Abbey? I am, and I’m loving it. Looks to be a great season. I do wish the seasons weren’t so short. Will Mary find love, now that she’s gotten lust out of her system? Will Granny find love with the Russian Prince? What about Tom? He seems to be leaning back towards his more socialist roots. Personally, I think he should move out of the abbey, and live in a cottage in the village. Certainly there must be a fancy house he and Sybbie can live in with a nanny. His school teacher friend is lively and pretty, but I don’t really see a romance between them. We’ll see if I’m right about that. Sigh. I do love the clothes. My brother gave me a copy of the Season 5 DVD for my birthday, and that will be coming along any day now. Then I’ll binge watch, and will have to refrain myself from spilling all.

On the recommendation of my dad and step-mom, I downloaded the NYTimes bestseller, “All the light we cannot see”. I’m about 1/2 way through, and am really enjoying it. I also downloaded “The Goldfinch”. I got that one from the library first, but it was so amazingly thick and heavy, it was uncomfortable to hold and read in bed, and that is my preferred place to read. Also because it was so thick, I doubted I could finish it before it was due. One of my Christmas gifts was a gift certificate to, so I went ahead and ordered these two books as gifts to myself.

Lastly, I’m sure I’ve mentioned before how much I dislike it when people use the wrong ‘there/they’re/their’ in a sentence. You know what’s worse? When I see it in a work email. One that I wrote. Ugh. It’s not that I don’t know which one to use, but my fingers are sometimes confused. I blame the arthritis. Really.


  • Nance

    Oh, J. I am so very sorry that you’re not feeling markedly better and that you have to keep experimenting for relief. Chronic pain changes a person in so many ways. Thank goodness you have a terrific and supportive partner in Ted. Keep listening to him and not to the voice that might start sneaking into your head.

    Rick and I are watching Downton Abbey and, while we enjoy it, we find that we are not as avid this season as we have been in the past. For one reason, the Bateses are becoming rather grating, what with their constant down-dragging and seriousness. Another is that things seem sort of disjointed and tossed together somehow. For example, where did the Russians come from all of a sudden? Did I miss something? It seems as if we entered a room and poof! there they were. Like you, I am, however, always reveling in the clothes and furnishings.

    So glad to see you back here. It’s always a lift to read you.

  • J

    Thanks for the encouragement, Nance. My search for relief is indeed frustrating. I’m hopeful, and thankful for the support of Ted and Maya, indeed.

    Re: D.A. I do find the Bates storyline tiresome. I’d rather they leave them alone and focus on someone else for awhile. I haven’t found it to be disjointed so much, but I will confess that I’ve watched every episode twice. Once on Sunday when it aires, and again using OnDemand. There was a fair amount of talk about the Russians before they arrived, with Tom and Robert getting into arguments about the revolution and Rose working to provide them some relief, etc. Now I’m trying to remember about Bates’ coat last season, when Mrs. Hughes found the train ticket…were they collecting coats for the Russians, or was that something else entirely? Hmmm.

  • Ted

    Well, I’m glad you’re blogging again — sporadic or not.

    You did seem much better after your last acupuncture treatment. Less stiff, more you usual self in terms of feeling chipper. I hoping the next treatment makes you even less stiff…and so on and so on with future visits to Dr. Pins and Needles.

  • OmbudsBen

    Their/there/they’re — probably the words I confuse or mis-use most often. I hate busting myself for that, too. I hope to read soon that the acupuncture is a great help to you.