Friday Five

It’s been a busy week around here! Here are a few things that are going on.

Look at this Big Dumb Cup. My friend Neva gave it to me for Galentine’s Day. It holds 32oz, so I will not be dehydrated. I like having it at my desk.

One of my bloggy friends (I forget whom) recently read Land of Milk and Honey, by C Pam Zhang. Based on your recommendation, I listened to it this week while out taking walks, cooking dinner, that kind of thing. I liked it a lot. The writing was lyrical in many places, which is interesting in a dystopian novel. Here’s the blurb from Goodreads:

”A smog has spread. Food crops are rapidly disappearing. A chef escapes her dying career in a dreary city to take a job at a decadent mountaintop colony seemingly free of the world’s troubles.

There, the sky is clear again. Rare ingredients abound. Her enigmatic employer and his visionary daughter have built a lush new life for the global elite, one that reawakens the chef to the pleasures of taste, touch, and her own body.

In this atmosphere of hidden wonders and cool, seductive violence, the chef’s boundaries undergo a thrilling erosion. Soon she is pushed to the center of a startling attempt to reshape the world far beyond the plate.

Sensuous and surprising, joyous and bitingly sharp, told in language as alluring as it is original, Land of Milk and Honey lays provocatively bare the ethics of seeking pleasure in a dying world. It is a daringly imaginative exploration of desire and deception, privilege and faith, and the roles we play to survive. Most of all, it is a love letter to food, to wild delight, and to the transformative power of a woman embracing her own appetite.”

Long time readers will perhaps remember the Literature Clock, a fun link you can go to at any time, and see a quote that mentions the current time. I have a tab set to it on my iPad, and enjoy popping over there from time to time. Here’s another.

I loved Cloud Atlas. Did you read it? It took me forever to get into it, but once I did I was hooked. Here’s my review from 2007, if you’re so inclined. With comments from my mom and Ted’s sister, both gone now. And bloggers who no longer blog. I like going back and seeing these snippets of life at an earlier time, which is one reason I keep my blog, even when I sometimes lose interest in posting.

The same blustery storm that gifted me with grapefruits a couple of weeks ago also knocked a squirrel nest out of the eucalyptus tree behind our house. See it there, with eucalyptus leaves and other fluffy bits to be comfy for the squirrels? After we cleaned it up, I looked online about squirrel nests. And now, in the wintery trees, I see them everywhere. Do you see them in my early morning walk pictures?

One of our neighborhood parks has an equestrian history, though it is rare to see horses there now. We once came across some kind of miniature horse show, and OMG was I smitten. Miniature horses are not ponies, and they are GORGEOUS. Anyway, on a recent walk in the park, Ted and I were lucky enough to see a few actual horses in the corral. They were therapy horses, and there was a therapy session going on, but they let us visit with the horses, which was awesome.

Bonus content – I told you on Monday that we were taking our car in because it was making weird noises. It turned out to be need a new alternator. The other car is burning a lot of oil lately, and the solution is to give it more whenever it needs it. Easy enough. We have a 2005 and a 2008, and we’re doing our best to keep them running as long as we can. I love not having a car payment. More bonus content – the picture at the top of my post is a local apartment complex. Look at all of the flowers on the trees. Beautiful. I’ll admit that the first time I saw the swans I thought they were real. I’m not terribly observant, clearly.


  • Kyria @ Travel Spot

    That apartment complex is very pretty. I like it when they take the time to make it look nice and/or blend in. So much of that kind of thing is so industrial or ugly. Of course, WC is good at that though.

    I did not know squirrels made nests. Do they do this in evergreen forests too? I grew up in the Sierra and we had a lot of squirrels but I never remember seeing a nest. I always thought they had little holes in the trees or the ground!

    • J

      Kyria, I think they do make nests in holes in trees, and some perhaps in the ground. I think they probably make nests in evergreen trees too, but because the trees don’t lose their leaves, you don’t see them. I’ve been living here forever, and only recently did it click for me that that’s what those things were. I’m not sure they even stood out to me at all before.

      The funny thing about the apartment complex is that it the architecture is pretty ugly. But I do like the landscaping, and the little pond, fake swans and all.

  • Beckett @ Birchwood Pie

    Whoa I didn’t know that squirrels made nests either! The more you know…

    I love mini horses! Back when I was running, I used to do a race that benefited a kids’ summer camp, and the camp mascot was a mini horse. Yes the horse trotted the 5k course.

  • NGS

    This is the time of year when I notice squirrels nests, too. There are so many. Which makes sense because there a billion squirrels in our area.

    Here’s my hot take: Any thermos/mug/cup that is larger than 20 ounces is too heavy. There. I said it.

    • J

      Engie, I agree! I don’t think this is something I would have purchased myself, it’s so big. However, it’s perfect for sitting on my desk.

  • Tobia | craftaliciousme

    I alsways try to see squirrel nest but have not yet spotted one. I guess I need to pay better attention because your pictures are clearly easy to spot them.

    That book sounds interinst. I need to remeber that. Thanks for sharing.

    • J

      Tobia, there are a lot in our neighborhood, but when I’m out walking I have been looking for them and don’t see any. So who knows.

  • Margaret

    Do cars have alternators these days? I know I had a 2004 Chevy Trailblazer with one because I had to replace it. That book sounds intriguing. I’ve never read Cloud Atlas but I do go back to look at old blog posts and comments. It is quite nostalgic.

    • J

      I know, isn’t it great? My mom had a blog for about 2 years and I loved having that relationship with her, very different than our relationship in person. It was a lot of fun.

  • nance

    I’m jealous that your big dumb cup has a handle. Mine does not, so Rick bought a separate handle thingy to attach to it. My hands are small, and I was having to use TWO to hold mine. Or hurt myself by using one (“like a big girl”, as my sons would say). Mine does not have a straw because I have already seen the effects on the area around my mouth from continuous straw usage. They are like smoker’s wrinkles. No thank you.

    The fake swans are Canada Geese deterrents (and so is that little yellow beacon thing floating in the moat). We are considering getting some for the lakehouse.

    The trees around here are full of squirrel nests, and our curb lawns become full of small twigs full of leaves in the late summer as the squirrels build them anew. Squirrels seem way smarter than birds, who only use nests for their young, not for cozying up in the wintertime.

    I’m happy that you found a mini horse to pet, but what a shame that it wasn’t a cow!

    • J

      Oh, I had no idea about the swans being a goose deterrent! There were a couple of geese hanging out nearby, but not as many as I’ve seen elsewhere in the area.

      My big dumb cup totally needs a handle, I hadn’t thought of one without. I will take your warning about the straw!

      This was a full grown horse, though not a really big on. The angle of the picture makes it look a bit shrimpy, for sure.

  • Ally Bean

    I’d forgotten about the Literature Clock. Thanks for mentioning it and linking to it. It is such fun. I like the photo of you and your horse friend. It’s nice how you coordinated your colors to look perfect standing by each other. I’m with you on keeping an old car going. Mine is a 2003 and it is paid for. That’s my favorite thing about it.

    • J

      Oh, a 2003 still running! So excellent. I love not having a car payment. I also like not having a car that needs software updates.

  • Elisabeth

    I LOVE big cups. I have a smaller Yeti which I use for hot drinks and a 36 oz(? maybe it’s bigger?) Stanley and I LOVE it. I drink a lot of water, so I really appreciate something that is big cuz I kinda hate FILLING up my water bottle. Not sure why but it feels like an onerous chore.

    So jealous of your gorgeous weather and scenery. Everything is cold and grey here right now! But spring will come eventually…right?!!

    • J

      I’m with you, one thing I dislike about my BDC is filling it, because the top is SO tight, it’s difficult to get off of the cup.

      The weather has been ridiculously lovely lately. I think we’ll get lucky and have some more rain next weekend, though, so that’s good.

  • coco

    I love cups.. big or gigantic ones my favorites! I feel comforted when having a big cup of warm beverages, especially in my office that feels like antartica.
    I didn’t know about the atlas clock, so interesting, thanks for sharing. I love quotes. I believe they find me in the right time by magic.

    • J

      I do like a warm beverage when it’s cold out, for sure. I thought the cup was only for cold beverages, but apparently it’s the lid that is cold water only, which makes sense with the straw.

  • Nicole MacPherson

    Miniature horses! How fun. There are horses where I walk Rex and one is so friendly, always popping over to the fence to say hi. Unfortunately, Rex thinks he should bark when this happens. I love horses – all animals really. Squirrels are pretty pesty in gardens but they are so cute.

    • J

      I have a love hate relationship with the squirrels around here. I have a fake plant on my fence, because they dig up any real plant I put there. They nibbled my Halloween pumpkins this year. They dig up everything. (They are all named George Bush, because they are assholes)

      However, they are very cute! (Unlike GB IRL)

  • Lisa’s Yarns

    You big cup is so cute! I have a big Stanley cup that I love although it is even bigger than yours!! I haven’t read either of the books you mentioned! I was kind of intimidated by Cloud Atlas! I should give it a try.

    I see squirrel nests in trees all the time! One good part about the trees dropping their leaves is that you can see things that would otherwise be hidden.

    • J

      Lisa, I will admit that I had to try Cloud Atlas twice. The first time, I DNF. I wasn’t fond of the writing style of the first chapter. But it was such an interesting concept, and really well done. The chapters were connected (sometimes quite loosely) but were different times and writing styles, and they were nested, so the first and last chapter were the same time/style/characters, etc. Even with all of that, it was really good.

  • Suzanne

    I had NO IDEA squirrels made nests! Now I will look for them.

    Love your Big Dumb Cup. The orange is such a fabulous color.

    A new alternator nooooooo. But… better than paying for a new car!

    I have not read Cloud Atlas but I think my husband has. I love going back to old posts and comments sections, too. It’s very nostalgic.

    • J

      Suzanne, we were quoted $1,500 for several things that needed doing for this car, and took it elsewhere for a second opinion. All of the repairs (including the alternator, which was not included in the first estimate, as it went out in the last week or so, our first estimate was in September and was a ‘no rush on these, but they should be done’ situation) ended up costing us about $1,200, so a much better deal. We were very happy about it. And yes, MUCH cheaper than a new car.

      My father’s favorite color was orange, and my friend Neva knows this. She tends to buy me orange things in his honor, she knows how much I miss him.

  • Ernie

    Sorry to show up so late. Basketball has been a lot lately. Very busy in the evenings getting to all the playoff games and getting meals ready for everyone in advance. Plus I had a new 14 month old start last week, so that took a lot of energy. Anyway, here I am. That apartment complex is so pretty. Perhaps because my house is full of clutter and college kid stuff will be showing up in the next few months to top it off, but an apartment sounds so cozy right about now. We have a squirrel who made a nest in the roof of our gazebo when Lad’s dog was living here. Let me tell you, that squirrel had to be a low IQ variety, because what was she thinking? Finegan went bananas after she had her babies and she finally moved them one at a time while I watched. I’d never seen a squirrel baby before.

    • J

      I don’t think I’ve ever seen a baby squirrel, though I’ve seen youngish ones…

      This apartment complex isn’t really pretty, architecturally, but the landscaping is really nice, especially in spring.

  • San

    That is a really big cup! I try to get up every couple of hours and walk to the kitchen and gulp a big glass of water instead LOL

    I love horses. And miniature horses are so neat! I’d love to have one as a pet and take it on walks 🙂

    • J

      I’m with you, I generally get up and go to the kitchen instead of using my cup. I like stretching my legs a bit so I don’t get so sore at my desk.

      A miniature horse on a walk is just about perfect, right? I have a dream of having one and naming him/her clip clop.

  • Anne

    So much to love in this post… save for the enormous water jug, lol. I saw someone walking down the sidewalk with what I swear had to be a gallon-sized water bottle. I kid you not. I was agog. Mine top out at 32 oz, and I don’t carry that one around! I prefer my 24 oz one with a straw (much to Engie’s dismay…. she does hate straws).

    Also? I do not think I have ever seen a squirrel nest. I’m going to pay more attention on my next walk… which will not (alas) include a miniature horse.

    • J

      I am not sure how I never really noticed the squirrel nests before this year. We’ve even had one come down in our back yard before, in another wind storm, so I knew that squirrels made nests. But it wasn’t until I looked it up online that I realized what they look like up in a tree, and now I see them all over the place. I don’t know if it’s a social thing, like squirrel colonies, or if some trees are just more hospitable than others, but I will see a tree with no nests, and another tree, which looks very similar to me, with 7 or 8 nests.

  • Maya

    Gosh–so many cute things in this post…

    But I think the Literature Clock is my favorite. I cannot wait to share it with my students :).

    Thank you!