(For those of you who hav been waiting to see what kind of genius posts I would come up with now that I’ve gotten through the alphabet, I apologize. It’s come to this. As Stephany said so eloquently, “I’m on the end-of-NaBloPoMo struggle bus.”)

Sometimes, when we are watching TV, or I am driving, or in line at the grocery store, whatever, someone will do something idiotic, and I give what Maya has coined the ‘Disgusted Head Shake’. She LOVES it, and it is now part of her repertoire as well. More recently, we shortened it to the acronym, DHS. That way, if we are in public and it would be RUDE to perform the Disgusted Head Shake, one of us can quietly say to the other, “DHS”, and we KNOW.

Feel free to use this term in your own lives if it helps you in any way.