Wordless Wednesday
Wordless Wednesday
Picture of the Day – Outside Sacre Coeur
First off, let me apologize for the inordinate use of the word ‘amazing’ in yesterday’s post. The fact that the croissant was delicious and perfectly prepared is not something to cause great surprise. You kind of expect that in France. It was lazy writing. I considered editing the post and finding some other adjectives, but decided to leave it as is. I like this picture of a street musician and his cat, entertaining the tourists on the steps of Sacre Coeur. He’s even wearing a beret. The messy ‘No Entry’ sign on the door takes a bit from the picture, but I like his cat.
Wordless Wednesday
Wordless Wednesday
Wordless Wednesday
Wordless Wednesday
Photo credit to my blog/facebook friend, Simon, who posted this on his FB page, and it gave me a good laugh at a time when I needed one.
Wordless Memeday
Wordless Wednesday – Birthday Edition
Wordless Wednesday
Wordless Wednesday – Birthday Girl
Wordless Wednesday
Photo seen on a Facebook page called ‘WoofWoof‘
Wordle Wednesday
Are you playing Wordle, the online game that’s taking the internet by storm? I’m playing, and I really like it. I like that there is only one word per day, and that everyone gets the same word. It seems gentle to me, sort of like “The Great British Baking Show” (or Bake Off, if you’re somewhere where that term isn’t copyrighted). If you’re not playing, and you like puzzles, you might give it a try. It’s sort of like Mastermind, sort of like Hangman. You try to guess the 5-letter word of the day in 6 tries. You cannot use random letters, they have to be words. The yellow squares…
Wordless Wednesday
(Weird) Wordless Wednesday
W is for Wordless Wednesday