• Finding Carter & Awkward

    I can’t say I ever expected to find entertaining drama or comedies on MTV. I am old enough to remember when it was brand new and played videos all day, and that was revolutionary and cool. No TV shows, no reality TV, none of that. Just videos. As far as TV goes, I’m not a fan of reality shows. I’ll admit to being hooked on season 2 of ‘The Real World’ back in the mid 90s, but that was only because it was filmed in San Francisco, and we were homesick living in Philadelphia. Also, while it was kind of stupid and contrived, it didn’t have all of the truly…

  • Cutting the Cord

    We’ve noticed that most of our TV use lately is Maya playing video games, or us watching Netflix.  For awhile there, we were getting good use out of our cable On Demand service, but not lately.  Perhaps that’s because we don’t have a DVR, so when there’s a new show on that we want to watch, we seldom watch it live. We keep hearing about people cutting the cord and getting rid of cable, so we decided to give it a try.  We can use the XBOX 360 for Netflix, Hulu Plus, whatever else.  But what about our local channels?  Nance successfully uses an indoor antenna to access local channels,…

  • Curses!

    [youtube][/youtube] After my walk this morning, I was cracking eggs into the pan for breakfast, when my work phone rang.  Curses!  Eggs don’t wait, what if this turned into a long complicated phone call, and my eggs overcooked!  What to do?  Well, no worry, because the phone call lasted about 30 seconds, my eggs were fine (much to Genevieve’s disappointment), and all was right with the world. But in that split second, when the phone was ringing and I was looking at my eggs, the following popped into my head: Mojo Jojo: Now to have some breakfast! [He finds only one egg in the fridge] Mojo Jojo: ONE EGG LEFT?!…

  • Friday Randomness

    Diving right on in here… I am sick to death of TVs every-damn-where. (If you’re not supposed to split infinitives, you’re probably REALLY not supposed to split a word in half, but I don’t care. Sue me.) I hate going to restaurants where they have a TV set up, and it’s happening at more and more places. Some decent places even. Not that Carls Jr is what I would call a decent place, but really? TV? And California Pizza Kitchen, and so many other places. There was a nice pasta place down the street, and they put in a big TV, and then it closed. Wonder if the TV did…

  • DVD Review

    We recently signed up for Netflix again, after canceling for awhile. I’m not sure how long we’ll keep it, because our queue is pretty darned short at this point, but we have watched a few things. Between the DVDs and the OnDemand, we’re not running out of things to watch. Also, we can watch Netflix films using our XBox Live. Crazy, huh? What I want, though, is a perfect world, where I can download ANY movie or show I want, at any time, and not have to wait for it to be available via. OnDemand or XBox. And I don’t want to have to pay extra for it. I basically…

  • The end of BSG

    Last night was the final episode of Battlestar Galactica, though there will be a TV movie out this June, “The Plan“, and there’s the premier of “Caprica” to look forward to, if you’re so inclined.  Last night’s two hour episode was 2/3 of the finale, making me want to sit down and watch last week’s episode along with this one.  I have a feeling we may be doing just that later this afternoon. Overall, if you weren’t a fan, there would be nothing to see in this episode.  But if you were a fan of one of the best shows on TV (The Best currently on TV, we would say…

  • Ready for BSG?

    Wait, you’re not watching? OK, catch the frak up NOW, then tune in tonight on SciFi. [youtube][/youtube] That was part one…here’s part two: [youtube][/youtube] And here’s the preview for the coming season, the final 10 episodes: [youtube][/youtube] Ready?  Go!

  • TiVo Alert ~ San Francisco Ballet’s Nutcracker

    [youtube][/youtube] We were fortunate enough to catch an encore performance of San Francisco Ballet’s Nutcracker yesterday.  It was beautiful and really, really well done.  I looked on our local PBS website, and there’s only one showing left, 2AM Tuesday morning.  If you have a chance, record it.  You won’t be disappointed, even though the Nutcracker Prince has a mask that looks a bit too much like the Burger King for my taste.   It was filmed last year, and is distributed this year via Great Performances.   Of course, there’s a DVD available for the ballet lovers out there.  Enjoy.  It’s gorgeous.

  • You’re Kidding, Right?

    I read this online yesterday.  Apparently, a group called Children Now reviewed the 30 most widely aired ‘Educational/Informational’ childrens’ shows, and determined the following 8 programs to have “exemplary” educational content. Sesame Street (shown on PBS) Beakman’s World (shown on commercial TV) Between the Lions (shown on PBS) 3-2-1 Penguins (shown on commercial TV) Cyberchase (shown on PBS) The Suite Life of Zack and Cody (shown on commercial TV) Fetch! with Ruff Ruffman (shown on PBS) Teen Kids News (shown on commercial TV) I don’t watch a lot of kids’ TV, but of course I remember Sesame Street from when Maya was younger, and I’ll agree with that one.  I’ll…

  • Remakes: Friend or Foe?

    I was looking online the other day for “Lost”, wondering when the new season would start (I never found out, exactly, though I seem to remember it’s January or February of 2009), when I came across the little tidbit that Land of the Lost is being made into a movie, coming out in 2009.  I know this labels me as lame forever, and my brother was embarrassed at the time to be related to me, but I LOVED “Land of the Lost” when I was 8 years old.  Oh Holly, how difficult to have to grow up without your mom, in a land of dinosaurs and Sleestack…the danger always present,…

  • Why?

    Why does there have to be a TV wherever you go?  There’s a nice spa down the street from our house, where we sometimes go for a massage.  They have a stupid TV in the changing room, set to a horrid show, talking about some guy who murdered his children.  Not the news, either, some sensationalist channel.  So you come out after having a wonderful massage, and you’re confronted with that crap.  They also have a changing room for after you work out, and I can understand having a TV there, since some people like to watch the news in the morning, and they go to the gym in the…

  • Flight of the Conchords

    [youtube][/youtube] Flight of the Conchords, ‘Mutha Uckers’ Kookiejar over at A Fraternity of Dreamers has been talking for awhile of her passionate love for Flight of the Conchords. Since we didn’t have HBO, I had no idea what she was talking about. But recently, we decided not to put our life on hold anymore (what with the not moving and so on), and we went ahead and signed up for digital cable, which includes HBO. That means when the time comes, we can watch Big Love. Yay! Also, (and more importantly) we get Sci-Fi, which means we can watch Battlestar Galactica when it starts and repeats of Star Trek: The…

  • Delicious, Delectable, Daring Drama

    This post is just for Melissa, who wondered how I would post about BSG with a “D” theme, since I’m doing the one letter a day thing. The real post is over here, written by the biggest BSG fan in our house, Py. Well, Maya might argue with that. They’re both huge fans. Oh, and Melissa? Wish you lived closer, because we’re totally going to a BSG party. Big geeks out this way. 😉

  • Can He Make You Thin?

    I’ll confess that I’m hooked thus far on the short term TLC show, I Can Make You Thin. We watched the first episode last week, and it all seemed like good, rational, common sense advice to me. The guy’s name is Paul McKenna, and he’s a Brit who claims he can help you to lose weight without dieting. I’m suspicious of people who say no diets, and then proceed to put you on a diet, ever since Dr. Phil said he was anti-diet, and then put out a whole money making line of products to make money off of people dieting. I don’t like that AT ALL. And this guy…

  • With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

    If nothing else, I learned from Spider-Man that power comes at a price. And the price to be paid depends on the power given. So, we’ve been given the power of acting as a target TV family. (They asked us not to tell folks that we are doing this, because they don’t want us to be plied by network people trying to get us to watch their shows, so I’m not using the name of the company, but it rhymes with “Gielson”) They have installed a little device on our TV, which records all of the shows we watch, and categorizes them demographically. (There are separate buttons for me, for…