I saw this on Gina’s blog. The idea is to take top 100 songs from the year you graduated from High School, bold the ones you loved, strikeout the ones you hated, and leave the others plain. I’m going to try to be honest here, and tell the truth about how I felt then, no matter how embarrassing that may be now. I mean, come on..Say Say Say? I bought the single. Sigh. 1. When Doves Cry, Prince 2. What’s Love Got To Do With It, Tina Turner 3. Say Say Say, Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson 4. Footloose, Kenny Loggins (I did love the movie, though…) 5. Against All…
To Thine Own Self Be True…
Is that the same as “know thyself”? I think it’s a bit different. Anyway, MsMama tagged me for an interesting little meme… “KNOW THYSELF” TAG! What is/are YOUR: Easy how-to ways to beat a bad mood? A shower. Something about having that hot water all over me helps a lot. A walk in the rain can help. Ted has been known to make me laugh when I’m blue. Maya can sometimes kiss my boo-boos away… Never-fail lip color? I’m not adult enough to wear lipstick. Mostly it’s just vasaline or chapstick for me. My lips are naturally kind of pink, though….I’ve gotten compliments on my lipstick when it’s just chapstick.…
Lame Meme
OK, I got nothing today. It’s Monday, after all, and besides that, my Brother and my SIL are coming to visit! YAY! They live in Alaska, and don’t get down this way as often as we would like. And us up there? We went in ’99, but haven’t gone back since. Dang it all. Stupid poverty. ๐ Anyway, since I need to get all of my WORK work done early, plus wash the sheets on the bed where they’ll be sleeping, and swiffer the floors, I’m going to keep this quick and easy today, OK? This will be a lame meme about your favorite foods, in different categories. I figure,…
One Reason Condo Living Sucks
Hello Melissa and Lotus recently posted pictures of how they manage their books. Lotus has a very asthetically pleasing solution. Melissa’s house looks pretty much under control, though I’m not so sure about her DH. They asked the following question: How do you keep your books organized? Always looking for a chance to humiliate myself, I thought, OK, I’m game, I’ll take some pics and show you all the disaster that is our book collection. We started out well, even having a custom bookshelf built to fit our little hallway, to make room for more books than store-bought shelves were going to afford. But, we live in a little condo,…
Book Meme
I’ve been tagged by Lotus Reads for an interesting meme about books. The hard thing is that I tend to read a lot. Not nearly as much as I would like to, or as much as I used to, but a lot. At the same time, I have a pretty crappy memory, so I might answer these questions one way today, and if you asked me again in a year, or a week, you might get all different answers. ๐ 1. One book that changed your life? “The Blood of Others“, by Simone de Beauvoir. I read this my senior year in college, and I remember the feeling that I…
5 Things to Eat Before You Die
I saw this meme on Lotus Reads, and she did such a beautiful job with it, I thought that I would try it out, even though she didn’t tag me. I loved the thought she put into her answers, and the pictures. I’ve done several memes where one of the questions is “5 favorite foods” or something like that. For a question like that, my answer is generally something along the lines of ‘Rib Eye, Heirloom tomatoes, cheetos…”, that kind of thing. Things I love and eat often. This meme, however, is titled “5 things you should eat before you die”, which implies that these should be special things, things…
Saturday Meme
Leave it to Jay to tag me for a good one. I’m not sure what happened to #9, though. You can listen to the Beatles in your head if you want to. (OK, if that’s a confusing reference, think of John Lennon saying, “number 9….number 9…..number 9….” I know…I’m lame.) 1. Things that scare me: Global Warming Religious Fanatics The thought of losing my family 2. People who make me laugh: Autumn’s Mom Ted Neva 3. Things I hate the most: Politics and the way they work Liver and onions People who harm children 4. Things I don’t understand: Foreign languages (unfortunately) The “isms” – Racism, Sexism, Ageism, Fatism (is…
The Food Meme
We’re having a wonderful time in Oregon…spending time with family and relaxing. ๐ Not much time for the computer. I’ve posted a few posts that I had “in the can”, but I’m running out of those…so maybe I’ll find time to write a bit about our vacation. No pics, though, because I’m not sure how to download them onto this computer, so you’ll have to wait for that. I did finish another book, so maybe I’ll write something about that in a day or two. Anyway, here’s one of my last ‘canned’ blog posts, from before we left CA. ๐ I found this at Ally Bean’s site: How do you…
Fast Five Friday
Between terrorist plots, trying to get work all settled for while we’re gone, and a million really boring details about laundry and so on before we go on vacation, my mind is braindead for some deep post. Perfect time for a quick, fun, breezy meme type thing. I got this from Mom Maam Me, and I guess she’s done a couple of them in the past. ๐ Thought I’d copy her, just for fun. Feel free to do a Fast Five Friday if you wish. I was trying to decide which Fast Five to do, but I like them both, so I’m doing both. Then I added my own. Guess…
Enough Light Banter!
While listening to my beloved iPod last week, walking the dog, enjoying “To the Best of Our Knowledge”, these questions were raised: What do you live for? What would you die for? What would you kill for? The answers were interesting. Most folks said they lived for their families, would die for their families ,and kill for their families. Some folks said they lived for art and love, would die for their ideals, and wouldn’t kill for anything. Me? I’m not sure. I’ve thought about it quite a bit over the last few days, and here are my answers, some lighthearted, some not so much: I live for: Kisses from…
13 Embarrasing Songs – MEME
13 Songs that I LOVED when they were popular, but which it is humiliating to admit to ever having liked now….mostly crap from that pre-teen sentimental era, but a few from later as well…ugh. The things I do for you people. Have You Never Been Mellow – Olivia Newton John. Before she got Physical, she was all mushy and such. This song was on the radio every 5 minutes or so when I was 9. Wildfire – Michael Murphy. Had the perfect combination of tragedy (she died) and horses. Again, I was 9. Run, Joey Run – David Geddes. This one is truly horrifying, but yeah, I liked it. Even…
13 Things I Love About France
I should have saved this post for July, I suppose, since the only time I’ve ever spent in France was on our Honeymoon, way back in July of 1993. But for some reason, I’m thinking of it now, so we’ll do 13 things I love about France today, and see what comes up in July. ๐ La Perouse. Without question the best meal of my life. They eat whatever they want. (Although I find this book to be a bit disingenuous, since it talks about how French women don’t diet, don’t need to because they don’t overeat, they just enjoy their food…and then it talks about how to start off…
What’s W doing at Mom 101’s Blog?
Looks like he took over for a few minutes and did a meme. Mom 101, I hope they didn’t ship you off to Gitmo while he worked on this! ‘Cause you know, it probably took him quite awhile!
Another Meme? Kill me NOW.
OK, I’ve done one meme today, and I said I wasn’t going to do any more, but I lied. So here we are, two meme Thursday. I think I’m going to get cut off if I try to meme more, so don’t worry, this is it for awhile. I hope. I don’t even know why I like doing these things, but I do. So, here’s a meme that I grabbed from Autumn’s Mom. Here goes! I AM: Looking forward to Autumn’s Mom’s birthday party, and the Margaritas that will be involved! I WANT: $5,000 to buy myself new clothes, like on What Not To Wear. But I don’t want to…
Post 200? I think so…
OK, another Meme. Got this one from Wendy. I’ve gotta cut back on these things, and I swear I will. I’ll also stop drinking wine on school nights, staying up too late reading, watching crap TV, and letting the clothes-to-be-ironed pile up to the rafters. Yeah, right. The rules are: List three CDs, books, movies, and people you would take if you were stranded on a deserted island. For the people, you cannot choose your spouse or relatives. CD’s: Californication, by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Way too much fun. The White Album, by the Beatles. Wendy chose this one, too, so we’d be OK if for some reason we…