Proust Questionnaire…
Who knew that Proust was into memes? Not me. I guess that’s because I don’t read Vanity Fair, where they have the famous Proust Questionnaire, in every issue, answered by a different famous person. I came across it over at Buffy’s blog. I copied a few of her answers, because they applied to me as well. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery? Ted and Maya murdered and their bodies thrown into a mass grave. (Sorry, I’m reading a book about people escaping death camps in WWII right now…) Where would you like to live? San Francisco, but with parking, a washer and drier, and good (and…
The Moaning Meme
Ally Bean tagged me for this meme, one in which you don’t learn my favorite anything…it’s one for complaining a bit. Nice idea, huh? I’ll self promote and say I had a similar (though still different) idea awhile ago. 5 people who will be annoyed you tagged them. • Maya’s Granny • ML • Beenzzz • La Luna • Py Korry (I tagged all family this time! If anyone else is interested, tag yourself, it’s a good one!) 4 things that should go into room 101 and be removed from the face of the earth. • George W. Bush • Osama bin Laden • Dick Cheney • Eating Disorders 3…
Wordless Wednesday – Gross Edition
Meme Monday
I was tagged by Scarlett to do this little meme, 8 things you don’t know about me. Usually, I’m fairly game for a meme (that kind of rhymes), but between my ‘100’ things and the 51 other memes I’ve already done, I’m not sure there is any mystery left in this relationship. But kindly, since I was having trouble, Maya helped me come up with a few. Thanks, Monkey! First, the rules: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts. 2. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves. 3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight…
Memories Meme
(Yellow Dawn, by artist Ken Bushe. Find more of his work here.) I saw this short meme on Lotus Reads and Stealthybean recently, and thought it was a kinda nice one…list three memories from your early childhood. I don’t know about you, but I don’t remember a lot of my early childhood…images, glimpses of moments that were transitory and are now lost…but I’ll try for a few anyway, OK? Here goes. I remember waking early one morning, before anyone else, and looking out the windows, and the whole sky was yellow. The whole wall was windows, it seems to me, so the view was pretty spectacular. Most of my sky…
7 Things That Happened to Me as a Teen
(El Capitan – See number 5 – I got this picture from I was tagged for this meme by Michelle over at Scribbit. She morphed it from one of those “7 random things about me” memes into the teen thing. I’ve written plenty of random stuff, so I’ll stick with her morph, as she intended.  So, here we go…7 things that happened to me as a teenager. 1. We finally stopped moving. This was huge, because prior to 6th grade, we moved pretty much every year (or we might as well have, because even if we stayed in one house, we were put in different schools). Moving that often taught…
Thirteen Things I Love About Py
1. He’s AWESOME to travel with. He loves traveling, and it doesn’t stress him out. He’s fine going budget if we need to, but if we can afford it, he likes to surprise me and upgrade us to the best we can get. All without putting anything on credit, of course, because that’s not his thing, either. 2. He’s an amazing father. I was hoping to get one of those for my kid(s) way back when I was dating, and boy, I struck the jackpot with Py. 3. He’s a great cook. We both like cooking, so it’s nice to have the variety, and neither of us get tired of…
Because it’s Friday, and I got nuthin…
It’s Friday…I cut my hair kinda short, today is “spring pictures” at school, Sunday we’re painting our house, Emma Bovary is, sadly, dead, and I missed three days of work this week due to Jury Duty (guilty as charged, your honor), so not much time to type type anything for you. So you get one of these, as your reward for stopping by. Happy Friday! You Are a Hot Fudge Sundae Classic, simple, and divine. Why mess with perfection? What Kind of Sundae Are You?
Birthday Meme
I thought of saving this until my birthday, but with all of the spring cleaning and a third day of jury duty upon me (Py has Jury duty today too! What are the chances?) and work craziness around here, it’s the perfect time to pull a few memes out and use them, right? So here we go. 1. Go to Wikipedia and type in your birth date only -without the year. December 31st 2. List 3 events that occurred that day: 1879 – Thomas Edison demonstrates incandescent lighting to the public for the first time. 1946 – President Harry Truman officially proclaims the end of hostilities in World War II.…
Interview Meme…
Here’s a complicated kind of meme that I got from Ms. Mamma. It’s an interview, where she emailed me the questions, and now I have to answer them. What a lot of work, coming up with different questions for each person! WOW! 1. You excel at so many things-writing, cooking, parenting. What is your greatest unrealized passion or what would you be doing now if you could pick anything you wanted? You have the knowledge, funds and other resources at your fingertips and the support of your family. I’m blushing at the compliment at the beginning there…whew. OK, if I could pick anything in the world to do, and have…
Restaurant Meme
ML tagged me to do this meme, and it’s taken me awhile to get to it…so many restaurants to think about…but I’m finally ready, so here we go: The rules: 1. Add a direct link to your post below the name of the person who tagged you. Include the state and country you’re in. Nicole (Sydney, Australia) velverse (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) LB (San Giovanni in Marignano, Italy) Selba (Jakarta, Indonesia) Olivia (London, England) ML (Utah, USA) J (California, USA) 2. List out your top 5 favorite places to eat at your location (locally). I had trouble with this part…when I started my blog, it was supposed to be restaurant reviews,…
Musical Therapy
I saw this at Black Belt Mama’s blog, and it looked like a twist on a familiar theme. I’m in. Of all the bands and artists in your collection, of which one do you own the most albums? I haven’t done any counting, but I’m going to guess the Beatles. Since I’m married, and we live in a common law state, 1/2 of Py’s RUSH albums belong to me…but still, they’re his. What was the last song you listened to? Some little ditty Ted made up about dinner last night… What are your favorite instruments? I love the guitar and the oboe. Really, I’m too lame to know what they…
Blogs That Make Me Think
I’m both flattered (three days in a row of being flattered! It’s INSANE!) and a little bit annoyed. Flattered, because my wonderful mom, Maya’s Granny, has tagged me for a Blogs that Make Me Think meme, and thus awarded me with a Thinking Blogger Award. How cool is that? Amazing. I’ll confess to being a tiny bit annoyed though, because three of the blogs that make HER think are ones that she probably started reading in the first place because they were on MY blogroll. She shouldn’t get to use Angry Black Bitch, Brilliant At Breakfast, and Echidne of the Snakes, should she? She should leave them to me, right?…
I couldn’t resist…
You Are the Middle Finger A bit fragile and dependent on your friends, you’re not nearly as hostile as you seem. You are balanced, easy to get along with, and quite serious. However, you can get angry and fed up with those around you. And you aren’t afraid to show it!You get along well with: The Index FingerStay away from: The Pinky What Finger Are You? And then, because I’m kinda slammed at work right now, and taking 2 minutes from my day to take a stupid quiz is actually kinda nice once in awhile, here’s one more: You Are Bart Simpson Very misunderstood, most people just dismiss you as…
Favorite Songs Meme
I got this one from Ginger over at Stuck on Survive. I don’t have any great ideas today…lots of work to do, and Maya’s birthday is tomorrow, so stuff to do there as well. 🙂 So, when in doubt, Meme, right? Here goes. The thing is, I’ve done a few music memes before, so some of these aren’t new. And for some, I’ve changed my mind, and probably will again before you even read this. Oh, and I’m not claiming these are the best or the coolest choices…just songs I really like. Anyway, here goes. Favorite Songs Meme Favorite Song From Childhood: Cecilia, by Simon and Garfunkle. I thought the…