Dogs (mostly)

  • Meme Monday – Golden Birthday

    April 6th was Mulder’s ‘Golden Birthday’. Your ‘golden birthday’, also known as your ‘champagne birthday’, is when your age matches the day of the month you were born, so Mulder turned 6 on the 6th. Due to the lifespan of dogs, and poor planning on the part of those creating our calendar, a lot of dogs never reach their golden birthday. Anyway, we decided to celebrate by giving Mulder his own hamburger for dinner. He loves hamburgers, and he loves carrots. Lucky for you, Ted took a video. If you have a dog in your life, do they took treats to their bed to eat? Genevieve used to do this…

  • Meme Monday – Birthday and Politics

    I hope you all had a lovely New Year. We did…I had a four day weekend, to celebrate my birthday on Thursday, and then the New Year on Friday. Thursday, Ted and Maya both had asked for the day off but could not get the day off. She had to work in the morning, and he had to work in the afternoon. So in the morning, Ted and I went for a nice walk with Mulder, then we came home and took showers and so on, and he started work. Maya only had to work a half day, so once she was finished we went to our outdoor mall and…

  • Allergy Boy

    Last year, Mulder appeared to come down with allergies.  He was losing hair at an alarming rate, and was very itchy.  His fur felt dry and brittle.  He has an undercoat, which is what he was losing, so you couldn’t really TELL that he was losing hair, except that the evidence was all over our house, we could see tufts of hair fly behind him when he walked, our clothes were covered with it, etc.  His armpits went bald.  It was worrisome, and when he was at the vet, she said it was not uncommon for dogs to develop allergies at about age 3. So, we tried giving him Benadryl,…

  • Happy Birthday Puppy Boy!

    Mulder is 4 years old today! Happy Birthday Puppy Boy! We took him for a nice long walk, and I gave him a piece of bacon this morning. Ted just brushed his teeth and he had a carrot (his reward for teeth brushing or fur brushing), and later I am going to bake him some homemade peanut butter dog cookies. In case you are ever so inclined, here is the recipe. I once made him some from an Ina Garten recipe, but he likes these just as much, and they are fewer ingredients and easier to make, so I’ll go with these. Someone from the dog rescue where we got…

  • #OCYDD – Criticize that dog!

    Ted has declared today ‘Official Criticize Your Dog Day’. Most of the time we fawn all over them, but truly, sometimes they are a pain in the butt. Today, in observance of OCYDD, I will criticize Mulder for the following: 1. Chasing a cat while I had the handle to his leash wrapped around my wrist, pulling me HARD into the gate around our pool. I have a stupid bruise to show for it. 2. Waking us up at 2:30 this morning to yell about the newspaper being delivered, JUST LIKE IT IS EVERY DAY. 3. Licking himself too much, so that he ingests too much hair, gags on it,…

  • Mulder Monday

    Hi Everyone, my name is Mulder! My Medium-Boss said I could be a guest blogger today. Fun! I’ve lived with my Big-Boss, Medium-Boss, and Little-Boss for almost 2 years now. It’s hard to believe, but some people say, “Time Flies”. I’m not sure what they mean. I love my bosses, and I love my life. Yesterday, Medium-Boss took me on a walk that was very interesting. Lately, we’ve been going to a wonderful place called ‘Heather Farm’. It’s wonderful because there are so many interesting smells, and also interesting animals. Medium-Boss saw a turtle there once, and Big-Bosses sister said she saw an otter. There are a lot of birds,…

  • Friday Randomness (on Saturday)

    Maybe I should say something about the election that’s coming up, but I can’t.  I’m sick of the whole thing.  I wish that Clinton had a more worthy adversary.  I want her to win, but I’d rather it be on her own merits, not because her opponent is such an asshole. We went to Portland a couple of weeks ago for a ‘drive by visit’.  Maya is in school, Ted and I don’t have a lot of vacation time saved up, so we flew up Friday night, spent Saturday with family, flew home Sunday morning.  My sister got married back in March, a VERY small ceremony, and this was the…

  • Throwback Thursday

    Not much of a throwback, admittedly. This is Mulder on Christmas Eve, trying to be a good boy and waiting for Santa. We live in a townhouse, and have a teeny tiny living room, so this is the tree that fits.  It’s built for an entryway, is very small and thin.   It’s perfect for us.  Though maybe we need a new one next year, as some of the pre-set lights are out.  Or maybe we’ll just get some new lights.  I tried at the after Christmas sales, but I couldn’t find any.

  • Happy New Year – Friday Randomness

    Hey There Party People, what’s shakin’? December was a good combination of busy and lazy, and somehow in amongst the lazy I did not post even once. That’s pathetic. In line with catching you up a bit, life here has been good, not crazy, not too different than it was before. We’ve had another month with dog-boy, Mulder, and he’s settling in so very well. We all adore him so much. He’s playful and loving and wonderful. He’s learning a bit of manners, learning to walk better on a leash, etc. He doesn’t jump on the furniture as much anymore. He doesn’t bark nearly as much anymore. He’s only vomited…

  • Puppy Love

    I am most happy to introduce you to our new teen-puppy, Mulder! Mulder is 7 1/2 months old Keeshond teen-puppy.  Teen-puppy is my term for his age, because he’s almost fully grown (30ish lbs now), but still a puppy in so many ways. Our sweet girl Genevieve was 1/2 kees/1/2 Sheltie. We got her from a local Keeshonden rescue back in 2002, when she was 4. She was such a good dog, and when she died in early 2012 (can you believe it’s been that long?), we were heartbroken. As time went by, we eventually decided we were ready to open our hearts and our home to another dog. We thought…

  • Dog in a Dress

    This is Samantha, my sweet puppy, lurking through the window of our house in Fairbanks, Alaska. She used to sit on top of her dog house and try to guilt us into letting her in the house, which didn’t happen on too regular of a basis, as she was an outdoor dog, and if you keep your dog in the house in Alaska, they don’t grow all of the fat and fur that they need to survive in sub-zero weather. If it were today, I would do it differently. I think dogs are happier in the den with the pack, and I think the pack is happier with the dog…