I’m Greg?
I’m copying Beenzzz today, and putting up a quiz thing. I never thought of myself as the Greg type…more the annoying middle child. But hey, I’ll take what I can get, because Greg is WAY cooler than Peter or Jan. Maybe. You Are Greg Brady Outta sight! Suave and all American, you tend to be clean cut and upstanding. You’re friendly with most people and a huge flirt (sometimes even with family members!). What Brady Are You?
Awhile ago, I signed up to be a blogger over at Top Blog Mag…they have four bloggers a week write posts on one theme. The theme this week is ‘Stupidity”, and if you’re at all interested in finding out what I did that was stupid enough to get me fired from Mr. Steak back in 1984, click on over and check it out.
Links of Love
(This picture is of Shrimp Paulista, the last link of love today…enjoy!) Once in awhile, it’s fun to point people to some blog posts that they might not otherwise see…so, because I love you all, here are a few that I enjoyed this week (and maybe one or two from last week…): Py Korry bought a fancy space-age type turntable and rooted through our album collection, starting a new feature on his blog called “I could give a rip”, in which he rips a hard-to-find song from LP to MP3 and uploads it for your downloading pleasure. The debut song is one of my old school faves, “Some Girls”, by…
I’ve gone from rated “G” to rated “PG-13”, considerably upping my street-cred. Oddly enough, it wasn’t for calling our fearless leader a fuck-up in the last post… This rating was determined based on the presence of the following words: dangerous (8x) hurt (3x) pain (2x) suck (1x) Whatever.
Wordless Wednesday – Gross Edition
Ice Cream Stories…
I saw over on Is My Blog Burning? that one can participate in the For the Love of Ice Cream Challenge, over at YumSugar. You can then blog about ice cream stories, ice cream recipes, favorite flavors, etc. I like ice cream. It’s probably my favorite dessert, in many forms. I like it much better than cake, often more than brownies, and sometimes even better than pie. Actually, I like it WITH pie, but that’s another story. So, here’s my submission to the challenge. Always looking for blog fodder, and being more willing to humiliate myself in my old age, I will confess to you a tale of my questionable…
OK, first things first. Chrissy, Scarlett, and Curiosity Killer have all decided that I’m a Rockin’ Girl Blogger! Tres cool! I think that I am now supposed to pick 5 rockin’ girl bloggers, and nominate them myself. Or award them, to be more precise with my language skills. But here’s the rub…how do I decide, from my many female blogging friends, which ones are rockin’ girl bloggers? How do I say to some, ‘hey, you’re a rockin’ girl blogger’, and not others, who are equally rockin’ in my book? So I’m breaking the rules. No paying this one forward. I suck like that. But you know what? If you are…
Photo found here. When Ted and I were married, almost 14 years ago, we had a wonderful Hindu ceremony. When we were setting our date, our pundit, who also happens to be Ted’s 2nd cousin, I think, looked on a calendar to make sure that we were going to be married on an ‘auspicious day’. As our wedding fell on a full moon, it was deemed to be an auspicious day, and thus our marriage was blessed with good fortune. Today my bloggy friend Tracy marries her eSuitor, and as today is the full moon, I trust their marriage will be blessed. Hope your day is magical Tracy, and that…
CLEARLY I need to start swearing more around here.
UPDATE Py checked, and he’s rated “G” too. Jefito, however, got more daring results: Which of course, is why all the cool kids want to hang out on his site. But if they’re under 17, they can’t get in, even if their parents are all lax and shit. (Do you think that helped, that I said ‘shit’? Do you think it helped that I said it twice in a row? PG maybe?)
Wordless Wednesday III
Wordless Wednesday II
Wordless Wednesday I
Memories Meme
(Yellow Dawn, by artist Ken Bushe. Find more of his work here.) I saw this short meme on Lotus Reads and Stealthybean recently, and thought it was a kinda nice one…list three memories from your early childhood. I don’t know about you, but I don’t remember a lot of my early childhood…images, glimpses of moments that were transitory and are now lost…but I’ll try for a few anyway, OK? Here goes. I remember waking early one morning, before anyone else, and looking out the windows, and the whole sky was yellow. The whole wall was windows, it seems to me, so the view was pretty spectacular. Most of my sky…
What a Shocker…
You Are Chardonnay Fresh, spirited, and classic – you have many facets to your personality. You can be sweet and light. Or deep and complex. You have a little bit of something to offer everyone… no wonder you’re so popular. Approachable and never smug, you are easy to get to know (and love!).Deep down you are: Dependable and modest Your partying style: Understated and polite Your company is enjoyed best with: Cold or wild meat What Kind of Wine Are You? I may (or may not) be driving on a fieldtrip today, as one of the people who signed up is ill. So no time to plan a long lovely…
J Needs…
Here’s a twist on a meme I saw on Scarlett’s page, and thought might be fun. Here’s what you do: 1. Go to 2. Type your name and the word ‘needs’ in quotes in the search engine and hit the button. Give us 13 that make sense, if you can. (Scarlett used 10, but I went for 13, so I could make it a ‘Thursday 13’. 😉 ) Let’s see what “J needs”… J Needs Your Help! (This is true…sometimes, I do need your help.) J needs to work on her parenting (Sadly, this is often true. Actually, I think all parents need to work on their parenting, though.…