
  • NaBloPoMo Champion!

    (cute graphic found here) If there’s an award given out to NaBloPoMo participants, I say this year’s should go to Chrissy over at Random Thoughts and Musings from the Island.  Chrissy is was pregnant, and started out the month with the best of intentions, but then was rushed to the hospital with a thinning cervix…she continued to blog every day, telling of her experience, and EVEN TODAY, after giving birth to a beautiful baby girl, born at 28 weeks.  So I’m guessing she’ll be in the hospital for the next few weeks, keeping her new daughter company, and who knows, may miss a day or two of blogging…but if these…

  • Another Meme Monday

    Part two of the meme I found at Daughter of Opinion awhile ago.  Part one was last week. Five People Who Mean a Lot 1.  Ted 2. Maya 3. Grandma 4. Parents (Cheating…I know) 5. Siblings (I know, I cheated, but I have three!) Four Things I’m Wearing Right Now 1. Wedding rings 2. Wedding bangles 3. Comfy Slippers 4. Sweater Three Songs I Listen to a Lot 1. London Still ~ The Waifs. 2. Breathe (2AM) ~ Anna Nalick 3. Rocky Raccoon ~ The Beatles Two Things I Want to Do Before I Die 1. Travel to Europe again 2. Hold my grandchild in my arms One Confession 1. …

  • Friday Fill-Ins

    1. My favorite food seasoning is cumin.  No, basil.  No, garlic.  Salt? 2. A rainy night while I’m cozy inside is music to my ears. 3. Lucky is having family and friends who love you. 4. Politics (lately) are something I take very seriously. 5. Many people are celebrating Obama’s victory! 6. Diet coke and white wine were the last things I bought at the store. 7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to relaxing, tomorrow my plans include a party at Liz’s house, with Cherry and Dot and the gang, and Sunday, I want to get some really good apples at the farmer’s market! This Friday…

  • 13 Movies

    Autumn’s Mom had a conversation the other night that triggered this meme in my mind.  Her post included the following film preference tidbits: Jaws – #1 movie of all time You’ve Got Mail, Sleepless in Seattle – #1 (tied) Chick Flicks Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility – #1 (tied) Period Movie Halloween  – #1 Horror flick 16 Candles – #1 80’s flick From which, I decided to make a Thursday 13 of my favorite films in 13 genres.  Are there 13 genres?  Let’s find out! Period Movie Out of Africa.  LOVED this film.  Loved the gorgeous scenery, the music, the story, the acting, everything.  Loved it. Romantic Comedy Before…

  • The Wind of Change

    (image found here) I feel the wind of change blowing about me. Change in the weather, with a rainy storm blowing through this weekend that will hopefully portend the end of a brutal and dangerous droubt in the West. Change in politics, hopfully ushering in the Presidency of a compassionate, effective, intelligent, and tireless man.  Goodness knows the man in that office now has none of these attributes. Change in our personal luck.  Ted has been looking for work since June, and has now lined up two teaching jobs in local community colleges for this coming Spring semester.  I hope that this is a portend of a full time teaching…

  • Booking Through Thursday

    Deb has several blogs, one of which is a weekly book meme.  I thought I’d join in this week, though not on Thursday, as I didn’t get to it in time.  So for me, it’s Booking Through Friday. What was the last book you bought? Healing After Loss: Daily Meditations for Working Through Grief, by Martha Whitmore Hickman.  It was recommended by a friend of mine, who said that it helped her get through the loss of her mother a few years ago. Name a book you have read MORE than once The Unbearable Lightness of Being, by Milan Kundera.  One of my all time favorites. I’ve also re-read the…

  • Potpourri

    (image found here) This is going to be one of those random blog posts, just kind of blah blah blah about what’s going on in my life.  Some more serious than the rest. It’s Saturday afternoon, and we just got back from breakfast/lunch at Denny’s.  Denny’s has changed a bit…they put a weird booth in where the counter used to be, and they took out the bar and the big screen TV.  I never went to the bar, but I thought it was interesting that our Denny’s had one.  The big screen TV, I’m thrilled to see that go. After Denny’s, we went to the Farmers’ Market and got some…

  • Kick Ass!

    My good friend Dorothy over at Autumn’s Mom Saves the World has declared me a Kick Ass Blogger! Thanks, Honey!  Now, of course, I’m supposed to designate 5 more Kick Ass Bloggers.  Hmmm. I’m going to go all out and say that every blogger over on my blogroll deserves this title.  They all kick ass, often daily. Sometimes more than that even.  They make me think, make me laugh, sometimes make me cry.  I am not up to the challenge of choosing from amongst them.  Instead, I’m going to declare a few people kick ass bloggers that I haven’t gotten around to putting on my blogroll yet, for reasons that…

  • Ask

    Why?  This is a totally cruel question to ask, and I almost hate myself for it, but why?  Why did my mom have to be the one to suffer and die?  I don’t mean to wish this on anyone, but I have friends with parents who have been in hospitals for the last 15+ years, and relief might be a real blessing to them.  Why couldn’t it be them, not my mom?  My mom, who was looking forward to being healthy, to taking long walks, to going to the farmers’ market and enjoying fresh, wonderful produce.  My mom, who still had so much to offer. Why?  Why isn’t Ted getting…

  • Quote of the Day

    “Forgive others their transgressions. The simple fact is, if we want to reduce road rage, it has to stop somewhere. Our advice? Keep your hand off the horn, and keep your fingers in perfect alignment. Not convinced? Remember this: He could have a gun.” ~ Car Talk gurus, Click and Clack, via Jon Carroll Dedicated to Scarlett and Viaggiatore and their cardinal rules…

  • Thursday 13

    I saw this Thursday 13 last week at A Gentleman’s Domain, and he got it from his friend, Di.  Looks like a cute TT, so I decided to give it a shot. Thirteen Firsts First Job – I’ve told you about my first real job, at Mr. Steak.  But I had a couple of odd jobs before that.  The first was probably when my friend Jennifer and I would go to Pizza Hut and offer to fold boxes for take out, and in exchange, we would get pizza and soda to take home for dinner.  Awesome.  Another barter type job I had was cleaning out the horse stalls at a…

  • Uh Oh…

    I’m not sure what brought this on, but we’re all in trouble now.  My brother has a blog.

  • Doublememe Palace*

    Awhile ago, I signed up to be a ‘weekly geek‘, and take on the challenges put forth on Dewey’s blog. Alas, thus far I have sucked at it. I find that given a subject to write on, I kinda freeze and succumb to writer’s block, which is why I quit my brief stint at a mommy blog that I briefly contributed to quite awhile ago. Anyway, the prompt this week was pictures, and since it’s mostly book folks participating, it seemed like a good idea to post a picture of a book. However, I’ve already posted pictures of the books around here, twice actually. So I’ve been mulling it over.…

  • 13 Things I Wish I Could Change

    (graphic found here) For the most part, these aren’t biggies. For that, I am thankful. I married the right man. I have a healthy child. We bought our house at the right time. These are more like ‘pet peeves’, things that I mostly ignore, but sometimes flare up and bug me, and I wish I had done things differently. I thought I would come up with 13 things, for a Thursday 13, but I guess most of my beefs are a bit bigger than this list lately. Anyway, here’s a few pet peeves, things I think, Gosh, wish I had done this differently… 1. I wish we had bought a…

  • Z End

    This being the 26th of April, and Z being the 26th letter of the alphabet, I’ve come to ‘zee end’ of my letter themed posts. Or have I? I’m thinking I may run and oldie but a goodie that was letter based, and perhaps I’ll write a few letters as well. We’ll see. It’s been a fun month, and sometimes a challenge. The NaBloPoMo theme for May is “Voices”. That one isn’t grabbing my interest, so I’ll probably skip it. By the way, I used to think that Zebras were awesome and just pretty horses with stripes, but then I saw one nature video too many, and was witness to…