
  • Thursday Thirteen, Los Angeles version

    (Photo courtesy of Wikipedia – there was a TINY bit of snow on the tip of the mountains, nothing like this. I don’t think I realized before that there are mountains RIGHT THERE, but I’ve not really paid much attention to LA in the past.) My BFF Rosemary lives in Pennsylvania. She and I met in High School in 1982, and after HS she moved around a bit for a few years, ending up in PA a few months before we moved back to California. She has two boys in college, one is graduating from Clemson in May, the other is a Freshman at Lewis and Clark in Portland, OR.…

  • Puppy Love

    I am most happy to introduce you to our new teen-puppy, Mulder! Mulder is 7 1/2 months old Keeshond teen-puppy.  Teen-puppy is my term for his age, because he’s almost fully grown (30ish lbs now), but still a puppy in so many ways. Our sweet girl Genevieve was 1/2 kees/1/2 Sheltie. We got her from a local Keeshonden rescue back in 2002, when she was 4. She was such a good dog, and when she died in early 2012 (can you believe it’s been that long?), we were heartbroken. As time went by, we eventually decided we were ready to open our hearts and our home to another dog. We thought…

  • Miscellaneous Stuff

    Look at that awesome breakfast. Bagel, toasted, with avocado and lemon pepper. That’s it. So delicious. Served with OJ and tea (PG Tips, a bit of milk and sugar). One nice thing about Facebook is that some people post pictures of their food, and you can choose to be inspired by their pictures. I’m not sure I would have come up with this combination on my own, so thank you Facebook! Then there’s this…the Gluten Free Museum. Famous paintings, with any offending gluten removed. Click the link to see more awesomeness. Are you a fan of the ‘Little House’ books, by Laura Ingalls Wilder? If so, and if you like…

  • Still Alive

    Yes, I’m still alive. I know, it’s been awhile. I hate writing that at the beginning of a blog post, but somehow, I find myself doing it more and more often. Today I took a few minutes and looked at blogs that I link to from my blogroll. So many of them are defunct, or might as well be. Last post in 2011, 2012, 2013. I should clean them up, move them out. But I don’t use an RSS reader or anything like that. My way of checking to see if you have a new blog post is to click my link, and go look. So I keep them. I…

  • Blog Love

    Remember when blogging was all new and honest?  When we wrote about anything and everything?  For some of us, that stopped when we felt that the world had heard everything we have to say, so no need to say it again.  For some of us, that stopped when our kids got to a certain age, and it wouldn’t be appropriate to write about them in a public space anymore.  For some of us, both are true. Enter Carla, a friend I had in High School.  Carla and I were not super close, and I think I only met her in my senior year.  But I admired her greatly, for her…

  • Infected ~ The The

    I mentioned a mix-tape on Monday, with the Bruce Cockburn song.  Anyone old enough to listen to albums or tapes, be they a mix tape or a full on album, knows that when you’ve listened to the album/tape over and over and over again, one songs leads you to expect the next in sequence.  So it is with this song.  Infected came after Lovers in a Dangerous Time.  Another great 80s song.  What was next?  I’m not sure…but if I run out of blogging ideas again during NaBloPoMo, you may find out…

  • My Happy News

    I won an iPad Mini on the NaBloPoMo/BlogHer website! Isn’t that excellent news? I feel like I never win anything, though that’s not true. I won the lotto once, though not big. I won $96, which was pretty exciting. Safeway is smart to let you cash in your winning ticket there, because yeah, I spent my money on groceries. I was picked out of the audience at Marine World, Africa U.S.A, when I was in the 5th grade. I was called up front, and got to pet a cheetah, which was pretty awesome. When they picked me, they called on my for my bright yellow (sunflower yellow) sweater. I then…

  • Donut Test

    You Are Sensitive You are very intuitive and insightful. You understand what’s going on around you without needing to be told. You are naturally nurturing and caring. You look out for people, even if they don’t ask you to.You tend to stay attached to those you love. It’s hard for you to let go when you need to. You are in touch with your emotions. You know exactly what you’re feeling and why you’re feeling it. The Donut Test Blogthings: 100’s of Fun, Free Quizzes and 3 Stupid Ones I suspect this is one of the stupid tests referenced in the last line, but who cares. Pick a donut, and…

  • If I Had a Million Dollars

    “If you found one million dollars in the morning and had to spend it by nightfall, what would you do with the money?” After deciding on a whim to participate in NaBloPoMo this month, I panicked and went to the official website for inspiration. This was the prompt. It reminds me of a comic book I used to like, Richie Rich, and one time Richie had to spend a million dollars in one day. That was before the 4 bedroom, boring, subdivision house down the street was on sale for $899,000 (I stopped and looked at the price the other day). So, let’s think. Rules. I have to spend $1,000,000…

  • Friday Randomness

    I’m thinking perhaps it may be time for NaBloPoMo around here. Maybe a good idea to try to challenge myself to post every day, because crap, I feel less inclined than ever to do so. It’s not that I don’t get any pleasure from it…it’s that when I post all of the time, my brain works that way, and little things in my life inspire me. However, when I don’t post often, my brain doesn’t work that way, so I forget my blog is even here for days at a time. Not what I want from this space. So, let’s see what happens, shall we? So, what can I tell…

  • The End of -ism

    Awesome picture showing that the end of one problem might just be the beginning of another, found here. I’m enjoying poking around on this guy’s blog, checking out his art. You should, too.

  • Under the Table

    No, not drinking someone under the table. Napping under the table. When I was a kid, I loved to nap. I still love to nap. Now, my favorite napping place is on my sofa with my cozy napping blanket, or maybe on my bed. But when I was a kid, I loved to nap under things. Especially under tables. It felt so cozy, like a little cave, and if there were a party going on, I could hear the adults laughing and talking, and just soak it up until I dozed off. I know, I’m weird. I once fell asleep under a piano on a river boat*, and didn’t wake…

  • Friday Randomness

    Well, I made it to the end of NaBloPoMo, and I only missed one day, when I couldn’t get onto my blog to post. I’ve resorted to memes, Wordless Wednesday, and recipes. Then again, I like all of those things. I’ve enjoyed having that blog part of my brain tuned in. Like when something at least mildly interesting happens, and you think, “oh, that’s great for the blog!” I missed saying happy blogaversary to Thinking About. I started blogging back in November of 2005, because all the cool kids were doing it, and it seemed like fun. I don’t think I could have guessed that I would make real friends…

  • Blogthings Saturday

    This is a “just-in-case” type of post. I vowed to post every day this week, and such stupid vows sometimes produce stupid posts. It’s a fact of life. I’m writing this on Friday morning, and the plan is to go to Santa Cruz today, see The Fixx perform on the beach tonight, stay the night, and see where Saturday takes us. So I’m sure I can post something on Sunday, but I’m just not sure that I’ll be on a computer Saturday, and I kind of think that’s a good thing. I was trolling my own blog, and found a post from ‘blogthings’ from back in 2007, which I had…

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  • Thursday 13

    Trying to think of a quick blog post for today, before I run out the door. 🙂 So here it is, 13 Things I did (or shall do) on my Summer Vacation.  Graphic from the ‘official’ Thursday 13 page. Getting my hair done today. Took Maya to the airport yesterday for her first solo flight…to L.A. to visit her cousin.  I hope she has a GREAT time. Went to visit Cherry and her new baby, Jacob, and her old baby (2 year old) Elizabeth.  They live near the airport, so that was a two-fer. Mailed some packages I didn’t have time to mail before now. Did some work.  Not much,…