A is for ‘Alrighty Then’

The meme there has nothing to do with the name of my post, and the name of my post is my way of committing to post every day this month. Why? Who knows. Just a habit to try to post every day in November, I guess. I’ve done it many years, but then again, NOT several years as well. I’ve been thinking about it, and I’ve decided I will use the letters of the alphabet as a prompt, like Nance has been doing. So far I’m not doing very well, ‘Alrighty Then’ for A? That’s a little lame. Oh well, let’s hope I can come up with something better tomorrow. Right now I just need to get this posted before I take puppy for his morning walk.

Also, wow, yeah, a printer can just about destroy a person’s soul. I recently had to get rid of my trusty printer, because it wasn’t trusty anymore. It tried to print, but the page came out very faint and with lines on it, usually, but not always. Maddening. Thankfully printers are a lot cheaper than they used to be! Perhaps this is how we disposed of it…or perhaps we just took it to Best Buy for recycling.


  • Ally Bean

    Our printer’s name is Eppie. She is fussy and requires gentle murmuring to convince her to print. I looked for a replacement for her, but decided to give her the benefit of the doubt because I wasn’t in the mood to deal with some new techie gadget. We’ll see how long her reprieve lasts.

    • J

      Ally, I hope Eppie lives a long time for you. My last one started acting up, and thankfully my brother is a desktop support guy. So I told him what it was doing, and he said, ‘time for a new printer, that is a small problem but would cost more to fix than a new printer.’ Handy to have that confirmation sometimes. 🙂

  • nance

    My rage is always against our can opener. It’s been around for decades, and why I bother with it at all is a mystery to me. I even wrote a post about it in the early years of my blog, and I was raging against it then.

    Sometimes, my printer simply stops talking to my computer for no reason whatsoever. Or it wants to make everything into a PDF instead of printing. I let Rick rassle with it at that point. He doesn’t rage against anything, and I try to save my rage for republicans.

    • J

      Nance, since Christmas is coming, why not ask for a new can opener? Or just go crazy and buy one? I too have had times when I have an appliance or something that just DRIVES ME NUTS, and then I replace it and wonder why the hell I didn’t do that years ago. Seems like that things days should be numbered.

      LOL about rage against republicans, that made me laugh. Thanks for that.