Book Awards Reading Challenge
I discovered a new book reading challenge that I’m all over like a cheap suit…this one is called the Book Awards Reading Challenge. Coincidentally, Ted got me hooked last week on yet ANOTHER internet timesuck, which would be goodreads, where you can keep track of all of the books that you ever remember reading, look at what your friends are reading, compare your lists and ratings with them, and figure out what NEW books you might want to read. Fun, huh? Definately. (Mom, it looks like you can upload your spreadsheet maybe…if you want another time suck in your life. 😉 ) Back to the challenge…this challenge is to read…
Top Blog Mag
Guess what? I wrote a post for this week’s issue of Top Blog Mag. Check it out!
Blog Game…
I popped on over to The Hidden Side of a Leaf yesterday morning, and found she has a new blogroll game you might want to try out. It’s to get us all reading outside of our usual group of blogs, and see if there’s something new out there you’d be interested in. I know, many of us only have room for so many blogs on our blogroll (assuming we read them all, like I do, almost every day), but once in awhile it’s fun to check out something different. If you’re interested, here are her rules: a. pick someone from one of my 3 blogrolls. (J’s note…not MY blogroll, hers!)…
Winning an Argument Meme
The astute and hilarious Ploop has come up with a group meme, in which we discuss our methods of winning arguments, and link to his post. If you haven’t been to Ploop’s blog, Plooptionary, let me tell you that Ploop is able to explain concepts both trivial and complex through the use of charts and graphs, and has made me want to embrace the art of the Venn diagram. He tagged me to play, and I will happily dive in. First off, I must confess that when it comes to political arguments, I don’t often win. If you’re louder or meaner than me, or if you start quoting obscure factoids…
Wordless Wednesday
Wordless Wednesday
What a Weekend!
Our weekend started on Friday, when we went into San Francisco to attend an Ivy League mixer at a club bordering North Beach. We found pretty good parking on a quiet street just three blocks away, and we set off looking for a place to have dinner. There was a fancy looking restaurant right on our street, Myth, and since I was hungry enough that the golden arches were starting to look pretty good, and Ted says no WAY he’s driving into San Francisco and eating THAT crap, we decided to see if we could get a table. Well, all of their tables were booked, but they had room at…
Because it’s Friday, and I got nuthin…
It’s Friday…I cut my hair kinda short, today is “spring pictures” at school, Sunday we’re painting our house, Emma Bovary is, sadly, dead, and I missed three days of work this week due to Jury Duty (guilty as charged, your honor), so not much time to type type anything for you. So you get one of these, as your reward for stopping by. Happy Friday! You Are a Hot Fudge Sundae Classic, simple, and divine. Why mess with perfection? What Kind of Sundae Are You?
Birthday Meme
I thought of saving this until my birthday, but with all of the spring cleaning and a third day of jury duty upon me (Py has Jury duty today too! What are the chances?) and work craziness around here, it’s the perfect time to pull a few memes out and use them, right? So here we go. 1. Go to Wikipedia and type in your birth date only -without the year. December 31st 2. List 3 events that occurred that day: 1879 – Thomas Edison demonstrates incandescent lighting to the public for the first time. 1946 – President Harry Truman officially proclaims the end of hostilities in World War II.…
Sexy is…
You Are Independent Sexy You drive men crazy with your “playing hard to get act” Except, it’s really not an act at all. You’re a strong, sexy woman with her own life and interests. And that makes men even more interested in you! What Kind of Sexy Girl Are You? I saw this over at Confessions of a Sophisticated Writer…she’s bad girl sexy, which sounds all cool and stuff, but I guess Independent Sexy isn’t so bad, either. Independent Sexy reminds me of back when I was in the 5th grade, and we had some pretty white trashy neighbors, and the husband thought I was cool because I didn’t take…
Restaurant Meme
ML tagged me to do this meme, and it’s taken me awhile to get to it…so many restaurants to think about…but I’m finally ready, so here we go: The rules: 1. Add a direct link to your post below the name of the person who tagged you. Include the state and country you’re in. Nicole (Sydney, Australia) velverse (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) LB (San Giovanni in Marignano, Italy) Selba (Jakarta, Indonesia) Olivia (London, England) ML (Utah, USA) J (California, USA) 2. List out your top 5 favorite places to eat at your location (locally). I had trouble with this part…when I started my blog, it was supposed to be restaurant reviews,…
For Michelle…
Michelle, over at Scribbit, did a pretty cool Thursday 13 today. She listed what she believes are the 13 best remakes of all time. Her criteria were that they had to be at least as good, if not better than, the original. She had some pretty groovy songs included , like “American Woman”, the Lenny Kravitz version, and one of my all time favorites, the Depeche Mode version of “Route 66”. In the comments, I mentioned that one of the most interesting remakes I’ve heard is the Scissor Sisters version of “Comfortably Numb”. She mentioned that she wasn’t able to listen to enough of the song on the free iTunes…
Blogs That Make Me Think
I’m both flattered (three days in a row of being flattered! It’s INSANE!) and a little bit annoyed. Flattered, because my wonderful mom, Maya’s Granny, has tagged me for a Blogs that Make Me Think meme, and thus awarded me with a Thinking Blogger Award. How cool is that? Amazing. I’ll confess to being a tiny bit annoyed though, because three of the blogs that make HER think are ones that she probably started reading in the first place because they were on MY blogroll. She shouldn’t get to use Angry Black Bitch, Brilliant At Breakfast, and Echidne of the Snakes, should she? She should leave them to me, right?…
Get Outta Town and Don’t Come Back Until You Have $5!*
First I found out that Ms. Mamma nominated me for several Best Blogger awards, for which I would kiss her if only she didn’t live so far away, but now, on top of that, Gina told me I won a Top 100 Mom Blog Award, something I didn’t even know existed! Color me thrilled! I’m all atwitter! Pardon me, while I go find a needle or something, because my head is swollen WAY out of proportion, like a big conceited balloon or something, and it clearly needs a little popping! Thanks to whomever nominated me for this one! *I know you’re thinking, “Huh, what does THAT mean?” That’s just something…
Coolio! Ms Mamma went in and nominated me for four, count them, FOUR blogger’s choice awards! She got me for Best Blog About Blogging, Best Parenting Blog, Best Pop Culture Blog, and Best Blogging Host (I’m not really a host, though, so I think she was just excited.) I’m a bit confused that there’s a little tag there that says, Adult Content. Do I get racy from time to time? Gosh, I TRY not to…I mean, my MOTHER reads this! Then again, she IS an adult, and she could handle it…wait, my DAUGHTER reads this, and she isn’t. Yet. So I’m not sure about that. Anyway. Thank you Ms Mamma!…