Bicycle Update


We went to REI yesterday to see if they had any bikes like the ones I wanted, and if they might be any cheaper there than at the bike store.  They don’t have as big of a selection of cruisers, but they did have this very pretty purple bike, the ‘Karma’, by the same company, Electra.  And guess what?  It’s a lot cheaper than the others.  Partially because this particular model is a bit cheaper, and partly because there was an air bubble in the paint, so there’s a spot that looks a bit funny, so it’s not perfect.  Well, who is?  These bikes aren’t cheap, and the Gypsy I liked was about $580.  Looking on a website, I see Karma here selling for $530, but at REI, it’s $405.  That’s a much better deal, wouldn’t you say?  Still a lot of money, but it’s a really good, solid bike, and SO comfy to ride.  I took it out for a spin, and really enjoyed it.  And it’s so pretty.

See the pretty color, and the groovy design?  Love it.

I didn’t buy it, because I wanted to think about it a bit.  I don’t have the $400+ in cash right now, though I have put some away.  I put it on hold, which means they’ll keep it for me for a few days.  Now I have to decide…buy it, partially with cash I’ve saved, and partially with credit, which I would pay off over the next month or two….or let this sweet deal go, and not buy a bike until I have all of the cash in my hands.  Sigh.  Decisions, decisions.


  • Heather

    Very nice bike. I ended up buying the cheaper version and it’s not comfortable to ride…… it sits in the shed. Better to spend the money if you can. At least you would use it. My husband convinced me to spend extra on my camera. I’m so glad I did. The extra features make it a pleasure to use. I’m taking lots of photos to paint.

  • Starshine

    Decisions, decisions! I had no idea that bikes were so expensive! I want to buy one when we move, but yikes on the price!

    I like Heather’s advice. It makes sense that if you’re going to spend a lot of money on something, get the thing that you really want even if you have to pay a bit more. You’ll enjoy it much more. 🙂 Just my opinion.

  • KelliAmanda

    I hate making decisions like these. My inclination is usually to wait until I have the money in hand, but that is a good deal and if you know you’re going to get a lot of use out of the bike, it would probably be worth it. As long as buying it partly on credit doesn’t negate the savings…

  • Cherry

    KelliAmanda brings up a great point about the interest on the credit using up the deal savings. You’re really good about paying off your debt, so if you say you’ll pay it on in one to two months, then you will. Right?

    I say get it. You gave yourself the goal of riding your current bike more now to set the habit in motions. And just think how much more you will enjoy it when you are riding on a bike you love and is comfy. You’ve been pining over these bikes for a while, so it doesn’t appear to be a passing fancy. 🙂

    Just make sure you’ll love this bike too. I know its not the one you really want but if it is just as comfy then go for it. I love the purple.

    If you’ll use it, then it’s worth it.

  • Autumn's Mom

    That’s one sweet ride. I had the same dilemma this weekend. We needed to get a media unit for next to the tv. The one we found wasn’t on sale and I would have had the money in case, if it weren’t for that trip to Bennihauna. We ended up buying the media unit. Because we needed it so badly. I’m hoping to do before and after photos in the next day or two.

  • msmamma

    Definitely reminds me of your wedding wear! Very cool. SF has a rat rod mini, but he doesn’t know it yet. Enjoy!

  • amuirin

    *grins* I don’t have any helpful advice, but wanted to say, I think I’d rather go to your commenter than to a regular financial adviser. Such thoughtful problem solving, and perspective from many angles.

    Pretty cool.