Back woes…

I have been suffering from some upper back pain lately, which has been travelling down my arm and into my thumb. Not fun. So, as I mentioned in an earlier post, I have begun seeing a chiropractor. It’s helping, but not as much or as fast as I had hoped. I switched from cute high heels to almost flat comfy shoes. It has been suggested to me by both my husband and a loyal reader, that perhaps my problem comes from the way I sit at the computer. Well, people HAVE been known to make fun of me and the way I sit at the computer, because I hunch over and get my face right up to the screen, like I’m trying to smell it or something, and I look like a complete dork. So. The chiropractor suggested that I might put a piece of hypo-allergenic tape between my shoulder blades, so that when I hunch over, I feel it and it reminds me to sit up straight. (Today is day one of the tape…I’m sitting much straighter, thank you.) He also suggested that I might try taking some magnesium, because if you don’t have enough of that, it’s harder for the muscles in your body to relax properly. So he gave me some sampes of this stuff, Natural Calm. Then, Ted suggested that I should get a massage. I was hesitant, because between the shoes, the chiropractor, and arch support for the shoes, I’m out about $300 this month, and we’re not even half way through the month yet! (I’m reminded of some words from the Pete Townshend song, Slit Skirts…”Can’t pretend that getting older never hurts”) Well, being as how great he is, he called the spa down the street from us and made an appointment for me (and PAID for it! YAY!) for yesterday afternoon. So, I came home from work early, visited with my friend Rosemary for about an hour, and then went to the spa for my massage. Can I say, the woman who massaged my back was AMAZING. She did a deep tissue massage, and REALLY worked on those bad spots. Worked and worked them. She wants me to come back in a week or two for more work. I have to tell you, that my back was SO FRIGGIN SORE last night, I couldn’t even go to watch Battlestar Galactica with the family. It was the season finale and everything! Lest you worry, fear not…we downloaded it via iTunes and watched it this afternoon. Wow, that’s a great show. Has almost no resemblance at all to the 70’s cheeseball version, other than the basic plot and some characters. (And, if you want to talk about feminism on TV, that’s a show where the women are in positions of power right along with the men, and no one makes a big deal about it….take THAT, Commander in Chief!)

Anyway, my back hurt like hell last night, but OH my god, it feels SO MUCH better today. I could almost blow off the chiropractor completely and go to the massage woman instead. Whew. Very nice. At the spa, by the way, they had these amazingly comfortable robes, made by The Robe Works. I WANT one. They sell them there for $99, which is less than the website even. But I found a place online where you can get them for about $50. Since my robe is about 15 years old, I kind of feel justified in buying a new one if I want to. 🙂 UPDATE: I ordered one. 🙂 Can’t afford it. Don’t care. They are soft and terry and absorbant on the inside, smooth and light on the outside. I’m in love.

Now the sucky news. My friend Rosemary is a corporate lawyer, and though she makes pretty good money, they OWN her. So right before she’s getting ready to leave and fly across the country for a 14 day vacation, turns out one of the partners is going to be deposed, and she has to put a brief together. Right then. So she stayed up all night working on it, and they magnanimously didn’t cancel her vacation, but they cut it short on her. So she is only herre in CA for 6 days. So she was only able to visit us for 1 hour yesterday, because she had to get to Lodi to visit her mom before her mom poops out, which is pretty early. Stupid family obligations. She will hopefully be able to come and visit us on the way out, on Tuesday afternoon, but we’ll see what happens. I’m not getting my hopes up too high. Stupid company. Grrr.

That’s it for the weekend so far…lazy days, watching LOTS of TV/DVD/Downloaded shows, eating yummy food, and sleeping in. And it’s only Saturday. Nice.


  • Pony Storm's Ride

    If an MD conducted business in the same manner as a chiropractor, it would take six appointments for him to complete a routene physical.

    It is infuriataing that some employers can own your life to the point of dictating what kind of car you drive and with whom you socialize. They can even tell you to join certain organizations (like the Rotary or the Toastmasters)and force you to play golf.
    Meanwhile, on the other extreme, there are employers who have absolutely no control over your dress and grooming, drinking and drug use,and political activity that could embarass the aforementioned employer.
    Nada. It’s all maddeningly unfair.