An old lady, living in a not quite so old lady’s body…

(click to enlarge)

Last Sunday, Ted and I took our weekend ritual walk over to Cafe Heavenly, where we usually get coffee for Ted, and we often get breakfast for both of us. We ordered our breakfast, plus a bagel to take back for Maya, and the total of the bill came to $19.43. “Oh,” I said to the young woman behind the counter, “1943…that’s the year my father was born.” She looked at me with a completely blank face that clearly said, “and I want to know this why?” and I realized, I’m turning into one of those people who just randomly says things that pop into my head, with no concern for context or whether anyone else cares. I’m getting old.

Then, thinking about it, I realize that I’ve always been this way. Ted and I met in a class when I was 21, where I once felt the need to divulge to everyone that I was borderline anemic. Why? Why would they want to know that?  No reason.  I clearly lack the filter between brain and mouth that smart people have, and tells them when to shut the hell up.

I pity the youth of tomorrow, when I am truly old. Then again, perhaps when I have enough wrinkles, age spots, and white hair, they’ll expect this type of behavior from me. For now, I think it’s still disturbing to them.


  • Joan

    One thing I’ve noticed about myself now as compared to my teens and early 20’s is that I’m more closed mouthed about things. I don’t rattled off about my personal life like I use to. Part of it stems from the fact I have to be around someone who feels the need to disclose every detail about her life and her family’s. It drives me crazy.

  • Shelliza

    I do the same thing, too. I’m beginning to feel old as well, especially since I saw white hairs appearing on my head lately. All this at the ripe age of 30.

  • Gina

    Ha, that cartoon made me laugh.

    My sister is the one who is guilty of that. And really, the looks she is given are priceless.

    Of course, it probably won’t be so funny when it starts happening to me.

  • dew

    I actually LOVE people like that. They’re so genuine and sincere and you can trust them to mean what they say and say what they mean. My supervisor at work is like that, and I just love that I know she’s incapable of filtering herself, so I never have to worry that she’s thinking anything negative; if she was, she’d say so!

  • Karen

    That’s so funny! I always have to catch myself too, whenever someone compliments me on something I’m wearing I usually blurt out where I got it on sale and for how much. What’s up with that, why would they care? I’ve been trying really hard to clam that up and just take the compliment graciously, but it’s tough to keep zipped. Weird, I know.

  • ML

    I think you’re perfectly normal. It’s the young chick that has brain cells missing. She probably can’t even relate to 1973 let alone 1943 🙂

  • Py Korry

    It could be worse: you could be like the owner of the company I work for who constantly turns conversations away from whoever is talking to things in his life.