(Almost) Wordless Wednesday

After Engie commented on Monday that I said Garbanzo beans while she says Chickpeas, I looked around the grocery store. Guess what? They don’t know either. I didn’t see any packages for Chana, which is what Ted’s mom calls them, since that is what they are called in India, and what she was raised to call them. If I remember I will look at the Indian grocery on Friday, I’m almost out of my favorite tea. I grew up calling them Garbanzo beans, and as Kyria pointed out, that’s probably because I was raised in California where Spanish is a large influence. I call them both interchangeably in my day to day life, but I suspect I lean Garbanzo.

What do you call them? Garbanzo beans? Chickpeas? Chick Peas? Chana/Channa? Something else?


  • Zazzy

    I think I started out with chick peas but I don’t think I ever ate them before I was introduced to the wonderful world of hummus. Now chick peas and garbonzo beans are interchangeable in my head.

  • Ally Bean

    My mother called them chick peas, but as an adult around here they’re called garbanzo beans or sometimes ceci beans. I like them regardless of their name.

  • Beckett @ Birchwood Pie

    I am here for this debate! Have I ever told you that I was born in California? Anyways, my mom called them garbanzos so that’s the term that I grew up with, but I call them chickpeas – I assume that once we moved that’s what they were called locally. I’ll accept either name but I think that chickpeas is cuter.

  • Elisabeth

    I call them chickpeas. I don’t even know if I would have been able to answer what Garbanzo beans were without thinking for a long time. I don’t see that name used EVER here in Canada.

    I have a new chickpea recipe to try this week and I’m excited; thanks for the reminder!

  • nance

    We never, ever had them as kids growing up. I can’t remember when I first tried them, but I’ve always called them garbanzo beans. Here in Northeast Ohio, they’re largely labeled as such, but most recipes call for chickpeas.

    I like them a lot, but I wish that when you cooked them, they got softer, like other beans do–more pasty and creamy. Oddly enough, I used to love hummus, but now I don’t like it anymore. No idea why.

    • NGS

      I never heard of them until I went to college in northwest Ohio (Bowling Green State University) and they were called chickpeas on the salad bar! I would LOVE someone to create a map on this word usage difference in North America.

  • Suzanne

    I don’t know that I ever had a chickpea until…. college maybe? I’m not sure. I have always used all three interchangably, but chana less often. Also, I don’t like the way “garbanzo” feels in my mouth. So I guess chickpea is my favorite term.

    • J

      Do you remember the movie ‘The Dead Zone’, with the killer saying in a creepy way, ‘Gazebo’….that’s what your comment reminded me of, not liking the word ‘garbonzo’.

  • Ernie

    I grew up not in a food dessert, persay, but sheltered from food in general. Never had a taco until I was in college, maybe? My mom is a very picky eater, so we weren’t introduced to a lot of food. I’ve only heard of chick peas since around the time of covid, maybe? I’ve read blogs where they are referred to as garbanzo beans frequentely and I like the way it rolls off my tongue, so I’m gonna commit to calling them garbanzo beans.

    • J

      No tacos until college? Did you ever see the movie, “Peggy Sue Got Married”? A woman goes back in time to the 50s, and a science nerd from HS is trying to explain some concept to her, which he calls “The Burrito effect”. She says, “What’s that?” And he then explains a burrito to her, how he had one once when his family went to Disneyland. That’s you I think.

      • J

        Blueberries? You didn’t have blueberries until later in life? My mind is blown.

        When I lived in Alaska, we used to go blueberry picking every summer, they were AMAZING. So much better than the ones we get here.

  • Rachel

    Oh I was raised calling them garbanzo beans (California native) but now always say chick peas here in the uk. Whatever thr name, I love them!

  • San

    I don’t have a preference because we obviously had a different word in German and I’ve heard both in California… so I just use whatever (I think I go with garbanzo slightly more often though).

  • Tobia | craftaliciousme

    Well, until Thursday this week I called the Chick Peas. BEcause even after reading Engies post I didnt make the connection between garbanzo and chick peas. In German we call them Kichererbsen (literally stranslates to snickering peas).

    • J

      Oh interesting, I wonder if there are regional differences? All of the double labeling would suggest not, but who knows. I have certainly seen some that are much larger than others, but they seem to be labeled interchangeably.

  • Anne

    I have noticed that I flip terms depending on where I am and with whom I am speaking. At my parents’/out East, though, I will sometimes use midwesternisms (e.g., “pop”) just to drive them bonkers. (I am mean.) 🙂 I suspect this may be because I have spent time in different geographic areas in the States, and have friends in others? Maybe? Or I’m just someone who cannot make up their mind. Your choice. 😉