Yummy New Sheets


Anyone who has ever been shopping for new sheets knows, it can be a tricky project.  I remember once going to buy sheets, and not even knowing about thread counts and so on…I came home, put them on the bed, and that night was pure torture…it was like sleeping on sandpaper.  (We won’t even get into a discussion about my then-coworker, who was surprised that Ted “let me” buy floral sheets…I said, “Ted doesn’t ‘let me’ do anything.  I buy what I want.  If he wants more manly sheets, he can buy them.”  Really, I hadn’t considered whether Ted would like them or not…we had just moved in together, and it hadn’t occured to me that he would care one way or another.  He didn’t like them, but mostly because they were like sandpaper…he didn’t care much about the flowers, because he figured he’d be asleep and not have to look at them.  Smart guy, huh?  However, when we go shopping TOGETHER for sheets, it’s never floral.  But the nerve…to suggest that Ted ‘controlled’ my purchases.  Sigh.  Some people.)  Anyway, back to the subject at hand.  After that day, I learned a few things…always wash your sheets before putting them on the bed, as this softens them up a bit.  Look for thread count. Jersey type fabric can be mighty soft from the get go.  And that’s about where my knowledge stops.  Some people swear by egyptian cotten, but when I feel the little sample at the store, I can’t tell how it’s different than the little sample next to it.  Some people swear by flannel.  Everyone has their favorite.

A few years ago, I bought some Pure Beech Jersey sheets, which were pretty much soft from the get go.  Loved them.  Very soft, very lovely.  Lately, however, not so lovely.  They’ve been getting runs in them, like you get in your stockings, along with little holes.  Also, they have begun pilling, especially the pillowcase, which I find especially annoying because I often sleep on my stomach, which means my face is kinda smashy up against the pillow.   So, we’ve been needing new sheets, but I haven’t been sure of quite what to do.  Besides, sheets can be pretty expensive, so it’s not something you run out and try a set, and if you don’t like it, no big deal, go get another set.  Also, we have a pretty fancy pillowtop mattress, and I wasn’t sure how to buy sheets for that that would fit…our old, pilly, running type Pure Beech Jersey sheets were for our old King size bed, and they fit the big pillow top Queen pretty well.  Sigh.  Are you bored to tears with this story yet?  Don’t despair, the end is coming soon.

Almost two months ago (already?  How could it be?), Cherry and I went to meet Tracy at a bridal shower being held for her in our neck of the woods.   One of the gifts that Tracy received was a set of sheets…specifically, Pure Beech Sateen Sheets.  She said she had tried them at her sister’s house, and LOVED them, and wanted a set for herself.  They did feel pretty darned soft.  Nice. :)  So, yesterday, I picked up a 20% coupon for Bed Bath and Beyond, and scooted over there, and got myself a set of the sateen sheets for our bed.   I came home, and tried them on the bed, and lo and behold, they fit our big thick mattress!  YAY!  So, I washed them and dried them and made the bed, and for the rest of the day, I would find myself wondering…what will happen?  Is it POSSIBLE to get a decent, soft, silky set of sheets and pillowcases for under $100 these days?

And now, the next morning, I have to say, YES.  Lovely sheets, so soft and comfy.   I was worried that ‘sateen’ might mean super slippery, like satin sheets.  Nope.  Just nice, nice sheets.  Yay Tracy, I’m glad you registered for those!  You know, because it worked out pretty well for me and all…


  • Ginger

    I’m with you on the sheets. I bought a new set when I got my sleep number bed (which I love) because they told me I needed deeper pockets. Those sheets were expensive and after a month were pilled so bad you couldn’t sleep on them. Uggh! The last good pair I bought was at BB&B (with a coupon) and they are pretty good but I have to use those thingys on the corner to keep them on. Now I am going to go out and try the ones you mentioned. Or maybe I should wait and see how they do after a month.

  • Ml

    Nothing better than nice, soft sheets. Glad you got a super duper set 🙂

    Your former co-worker must live in the dark ages…grrr!

  • Christine

    Oooooh! Thanks for posting this! I’m a bit fussy with bedsheets! I need to get some new ones for our guest rooms. I feel horribly that Hubby and I have got really good sheets and the guests’ beds don’t! When we got married last summer, I only had bedding for the master bedroom (and not the two other bedrooms) on our gift registry!

  • ann adams

    I must have your email somewhere but couldn’t find it.

    Harvest Loaf – your comment

    My mom used to make divide her batches of those types of things in half. One for my brother who didn’t like nuts – the other “larger” half for the rest of us who did.

  • Cherry

    Now J? I thought you were going to move and register for a housewarming?
    How am I supposed to buy you those sheets if you buy them for yourself? You’re no fun.

    PS… We registered for them too. That’s the main reason we registered at BB&B.

  • J

    Sorry Cherry…that whole registering thing for our housewarming was a *joke*, though I’ll admit, MIGHTY tempting. 😉

  • Susan in Italy

    I’m thinking the rude person who was surprised Ted would let you buy floral sheets was probably in a situation where their partner was controlling. That probably seemed like normal to them.

  • Py Korry

    I shouldn’t read this post so early in the morning, because I want to get back to bed! 🙂

    I do like these sheets…very cool and comfy.

  • Sonia

    My last few purchases for the 5 beds around here have been Pure Beech. They are darn soft….I love them! I haven’t tried the sateen though, will have to keep that in mind.

  • star shine

    I was wondering if you decided to buy those, and I knew (of course!) that you would write a post about it if you did. 🙂 Glad they’re working out for you!

  • Jenny

    I swear by Egyptian cotton as well. I got super lucky and found a set of extra deep Cal King sheets (that are also extra long) at Target for like $40. They were on clearance, I think to make room for new stock. I should have gone right back and got more sets once I realized I LOVED them. They are also sateen sheets and so silky but not slippery. I love them. What will I do when they get worn out, those sheets cost around $200 now. If I had a time machine I would of purchased one in every color. I couldnt believe they fit my bed either, it is a very thick pillow top mattress. So you make a very good point. And I know your the Queen of napping, so you have to judge beds and sheets.