Hair Envy

Those of you with Naturally Curly Hair, and you know who you are, you vixens like Frieda from Charlie Brown fame, or miss Shakira here…please stop bemoaning the frizz factor, the fact that to get it straight, you have to blow dry it. Don’t you realize that the women with the BEST straight hair (Asian and Native American excepted, because their hair is course enough to be straight AND thick) are really naturally curly folks with flat irons or hair dryers? I know it’s a pain in the butt, but at least your hair has BODY, and it doesn’t lie there like a limp noodle, begging for more product, wishing for the 80s to return, so you could at least puff it up somehow with Shaper Extra hairspray. I mean, really. You do know that those of us with straight hair have to blow dry it too, right?  If we don’t, it looks like we stuck spaghetti on our heads.  Not pretty.  And if we curl it, the curls fall right out. (The picture of me on the sidebar there, that was after an hour with the curling iron.  Yeah.)  And perms? Can you say poodle head?  It NEVER looks as good as the real thing.  And Naturally Curly Hair with a diffuser taken to it? Swoon…


  • ally bean

    Things always look better on the other side of the fence, don’t they?

    I have naturally curly hair and have come to believe that it’s God’s way of reminding me there’s no such thing as perfection. It’s quite random in how it curls into place each day!

  • Valbee

    I don’t have as much curl as Shakira, but I’ve got a lot of natural wave and ally bean said it best – it’s random. One day it’ll look fantastic, but the next day it’s crap, even though I did the exact same things to it. I’m trying to care about it less, because others seem to like it even when I want to pull it out. But still… why can’t it just do what I want? Or why can’t I have a personal hairdresser at my beck and call every day, to make it do what I want? (I know the answer to that question, actually.) 🙂

  • Cherry

    The best thing about having straight fine hair is that I can get out of the shower, throw in a little product and brush it in the directions I want it to go, and by the time I get to work it looks the same as if I took the time to blow dry and style it. Even if I curled it, it would still look the same by the time I got to the office.
    The sucky thing is that I have to brush it every few minutes to keep it looking less like spaghetti.

  • Gina

    I’m a straight hair gal over here, and it does bug me how it can look stringy unless you brush it all the time, as Cherry said.

    I do have this crazy tiny wave thing that goes on in the front, a little bit like Veronica Lake, but not nearly as nice. I think it looks stupid that the front part waves and the back just sits there.

  • Michelle

    I personally think straight hair is the best-assuming it has enough body to curl-because then you have options. If you’ve got curly hair it’s gonnna be curly, period.

  • Dot

    Curly, wavy, frizzy yea, that’s me. but I’ve grown to accept it. Some people pay a LOT of money to have hair like mine. I’m happy to have hair at all dang it!

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