• J

    At Ted’s company party on Saturday, before we got the call that Gen was so sick. The first is Ted and Maya, of course. Ted says he looks like her agent in this photo, because she’s looking like a model with the wind blowing her hair just so and all.

    Second is Maya and me. I’m in my new top, and Maya’s in her new dress, that we got on Union Street in San Francisco. Not the best photo of me I’ve ever seen, but I do look happy, which is good, right?

    Third I would call Maya’s headshot…I cropped it from the picture of her and Ted. Goodness, she’s growing up, isn’t she? Crazy.

  • Gina

    Ted is exactly right, she does look like a supermodel, especially with the hair!

    And all of you look wonderful and happy, which is good to see.

    And J, the fact that you had a dream about visiting me in the hospital is very strange indeed. 🙂

  • Jenny's BFF

    She’s just so darn PRETTY! I want to design clothes just so that she can model them! 🙂

    • J

      Jenny’s BFF, Maya would be happy to model the clothes you design for her, as long as she can keep them! 🙂 (unless you were a bad designer) (that last part is from Maya)

  • Shelliza

    OMG! Maya is stunning!!!! She gets more beautiful everytime I see pictures of her. Of course, her parents are not too shabby so I can definitely see where she gets her good looks:) Beautiful pics!