Thankful Thoughts

Awhile ago, I read about a blogger who would write of the little things she is thankful for, because they are important and worth of recognition. I’m not sure if she still keeps up this practice, but I liked the idea, so every once in awhile, I take it out and dust it off, stopping and reflecting on the little things that have gone right lately. Here goes.

I’m thankful that my brother & SIL came to visit. There was some shopping, a pumpkin was carved, yummy swordfish and Sees candy were consumed (not together, geez!), trick or treating was put behind us for another year, a lot of chatting and catching up was enjoyed. Over all, a successful visit. The downside, of course, is that they had to leave. It sucks having so much of my family living so far away.

I’m thankful for the very groovy bath mat that Ted bought. It’s kind of squishy and soft under your feet (a better term would be ‘padded’). I’d never really considered a padded bath mat before, but boy, it’s comfy and nice in the shower. Love it.

I’m thankful that I found out there’s a new Dick Francis book out. I went through a phase when I was very into Dick Francis…easy reads, well written, fun stuff. I’m not a huge mystery genre fan, but I never really got over my pre-teen love for horses, and he is an ex-jockey, and writes mysteries with horse racing as a background theme. He used to collaborate with his wife – they would select a topic, say, single malt scotch or trains, and they would spend a couple of months traveling and talking to experts in that field. Then he would come home and write a book about someone who was involved somehow in either that field or horse racing, and somehow it would all come together. His wife died several years ago (maybe 2000?), and I kinda assumed he was finished writing. Not so, it seems. I’m going to get in line at the library and see if it’s good. πŸ™‚

I’m thankful for a lovely weekend. We had two Halloween parties to attend, then some fairly serious house cleaning. Blech on the cleaning, but it’s nice to have a clean house. We slept in, ate some nice meals, and watched a few movies.

I’m thankful that it’s Wednesday already. That means more sleeping in and fun to be had in the coming days.

I’m thankful that the elections are coming soon. God, I am so scared that the Democrats will lose this one. I was SO sure they would win the last few times, and I was SO wrong. I just don’t have any faith in my intuition on this anymore. But this current administration is SO corrupt, and we really need some checks and balances put in place NOW, before they set us back another 30 (some might say 300) years.

I’m thankful for great autumn weather, cool at night and warm during the days.

I’m thankful for payday. WHEW!

I’m thankful for the new book I just started (the Scarlet Letter) and that Lost is on TV tonight. YAY!

That’s it for now. Oh, also thankful for the leftover pizza I just had for breakfast. Yummy.


  • Ml

    I love it when you do the things you’re thankful for! It’s good to do this from time to time. Puts things into perspective. I’ll be thinking of things I’m thankful for today πŸ™‚

  • Tabitha

    It just occured to me that I will now be missing ‘Lost’. In lieu of sitting on my arse drooling over the sweaty dity men and trying to figure out what’s going on, I’ll be attending class (again) after many, many years. Your post has inspired me to be thankful I am returning to school….despite missing ‘Lost’.
    Ugh. Just never satisified. But you are good to remind me…that I need to keep things in perspective πŸ˜‰

  • J

    Hey Tabitha, just remember, you can watch Lost for free, I believe, on πŸ™‚ So go to class, enjoy that, and then when you have time, drool over dirty sweaty men. πŸ˜‰
    You can also download on iTunes, I think.

    ML, the perspective thing is great. πŸ™‚

  • Tabitha

    Duh….You are right….I forgot about watching them free online. See? I really need to get back to school to kickstart my noggin!
    I am thankful for You reminding me!

  • Gina

    I am excited that Lost is on too, although a bit apprehensive about who is going to get killed. For some reason, I think it’s Sayid. Which is a bummer, because he is one of my favorite characters.

  • Andie D.

    Good idea! I am thankful for a lot too – it’s easy to lose sight of how much when dealing with the usual day to day junk.

    I like that bathmat! Xmas idea for my MIL. Thank you!

  • Heidi

    I’m right there with you on the Democrat issue. And YAY, double YAY YAY Lost is on tonight. All of the simple little things, there is so much to be grateful for. Thanks for reminding me.

  • Wendy

    I’m thankful tonight is Lost too! But I liked your post – it is always good to realize that the little things make up the greatest details of our life – so important..

  • ann adams

    I hope I’m still writing at 86. I think I’ve read most of his books over the years.

    Thanks for the comment. Ray is a semi-invalid and the hospital is a rather common occurrence. It wears him down though so I’m hoping he’ll be back home soon.

  • AdventureDad

    Hey, that’s a great idea. Most people only become thankful for the little things after some disaster happens. It’s great to remember the little things ofte, it puts things into perspective. I’m gonna steal your idea and do this every now and then.
