Booking Through Thursday

Deb has several blogs, one of which is a weekly book meme.  I thought I’d join in this week, though not on Thursday, as I didn’t get to it in time.  So for me, it’s Booking Through Friday.

What was the last book you bought?

Healing After Loss: Daily Meditations for Working Through Grief, by Martha Whitmore Hickman.  It was recommended by a friend of mine, who said that it helped her get through the loss of her mother a few years ago.

Name a book you have read MORE than once

The Unbearable Lightness of Being, by Milan Kundera.  One of my all time favorites.

I’ve also re-read the Little House books a lot, Gone With the Wind, and the Wrinkle in Time books.  Oh, and the Narnia books.  I’m a re-reader.

Has a book ever fundamentally changed the way you see life? If yes, what was it?

I remember being really shaken up by The Blood of Others, by Simone de Beauvoir.  I think we go through life feeling like tiny little cogs in a wheel, and we don’t really understand the influences we have on those around us.  Reading this book gave me a glimpse into that, though not really in a George Bailey sort of way.  It’s more than the effect that you have on people, instead, it’s about the responsibility that you have for other peoples’ lives, especially in times of upheaval and turmoil.  Amazing.  And I think I may be due for a re-read, since the last time I read it was almost 20 years ago.

How do you choose a book? eg. by cover design and summary, recommendations or reviews

If I happen to read a review, especially on a blog that I like, it might influence me to choose a book.  If I’m browsing in the store, the cover catches me, but the summary influences me the most.  If I know that I tend to like the same type of books as someone else, their recommendation could certainly sway me.

Do you prefer Fiction or Non-Fiction?

Fiction, all the way.

What’s more important in a novel – beautiful writing or a gripping plot?

Plot.  I love beautiful writing, but if the plot isn’t there to carry the story along, then I get bored.  If I can have both, then I’m very happy indeed.

Most loved/memorable character (character/book)

Oh, I know this isn’t erudite to say, but I just love Scarlett O’Hara from Gone With the Wind.  She THINKS she wants to be good, but she just doesn’t have time.  Can’t we all identify with that once in awhile?  Plus she’s so brave and strong, even while she’s marrying her sister’s beau or using convict labor.

Which book or books can be found on your nightstand at the moment?

I’m currently reading The Bluest Eye, by Toni Morrison.  My nightstand also holds our phone, so the phone book is there, too. 😉

What was the last book you’ve read, and when was it?

I recently finished Possession: A Romance.  I think I finished it on Sunday.

Have you ever given up on a book half way in?

Sure, but not too often.  So many times, I’ve started a book, not been enthralled, and kept at it, and I get a lot out of it.  But once in awhile, I’ll start a book and I just cannot go one page further.  The best book this ever happened with was probably One Hundred Years of Solitude.  That was probably over 20 years ago, so I wonder if I would have a different reaction now?  It was recommended so very highly to me, and I was just devastated to not love it.  But there it is.

The worst book this ever happened with (hehe) was The DaVinci Code.  I just could not give a shit about these characters.  But I’ll confess, I didn’t try very hard.


  • V-Grrrl

    I abandon books halfway through all the time. Sometimes it’s the writing, more often it’s because I just don’t give a damn about the characters and what happens to them.

    Mostly, I read non-fiction.

  • Autumn's Mom

    I have abandoned books. I’m pretty picky. I like fiction, but I think sometimes I’m drawn more to non fiction, if it’s light hearted. I love biographies. Eat Pray Love was probably the last book i truly truly enjoyed but it took me almost a year to read the whole thing.

  • Jeanna

    Hey J., I guess I do choose a book by it’s cover if I’m browsing. I finally got reading glasses, so look out!
    I thought you’d like today’s post (can’t say the same for Jimmy).

  • Ted

    I know you corrected the fiction/non-fiction answer so it says “Fiction, all the way!” But before the change (Which said “Non-Fiction, all the way), I was seriously wondering: “What have you done with my wife!”

  • Nance

    Have you read The Story of Edgar Sawtelle yet? It is the perfect blend of terrific plot and beautiful writing. I know I’ve recommended it on my blog a couple times, and I probably have become a real pain about it, but since I rarely read new fiction, this suggestion coming from me is a big deal. Also consider the fact that I teach fiction writing and pick apart novels like crazy. (The Da Vinci Code drove me nuts.)

  • J

    Nance, no, I haven’t. Cherry was talking to me about this book, though she hasn’t read it yet.
    I’ll add it to my list, though…thanks!

  • C

    This is a great book meme, J! I may have to do this one…but will save it for NaBloPoMo! It’ll be that time of the year again! 😉

    My most loved/memorable character(s) in a book? Holden Caulfield from “Catcher in the Rye”…and Jane Eyre. I just love the Brontë sisters.

  • Beth F

    I forgot about re-reading the Little House books and Narnia (about a million times) when I did this meme. In fact, I re-read the Narnia series earlier this year! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  • J

    Bibliomom, It really varies a lot. Sometimes a month, sometimes a few days. Depends on how involved I am in the story, the length of the book, and what else is going on in my life. 🙂