I wasn’t going to write about this today…I like the happy date-a-versary thing, and why be a downer and take away from the fun? But this story I read in the paper is needling me, threatening to drive me nuts if I don’t write something about it, to get it on ‘paper’ and out of my head.
Iran is holding a two day conference to determine whether the Holocaust indeed happened. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called the Holocaust a ‘myth’, and Israel a ‘tumor’. Clearly, the goal here is to show that he is a President who can stand up to the West, as well as to support claims that Israel has no right to exist.
I do understand the history here…that Israel was created as a nation in response to the Holocaust, and so therefore, the argument goes, if the Holocaust didn’t happen, Israel has no right to be there, and Iran and other extreme fundamentalist countries have every right to wipe them off of the face of the Earth. It is sick, misguided, and dangerous logic, that any thinking, feeling person should find repugnant. To read the attendees of this conference is to read a who’s who of bigotry and hatred. David Duke, one time leader of America’s pride and joy, the KKK, for example, is attending. From such people, you get arguments such as these:
But French writer Georges Thiel, who has been convicted in France for spreading revisionist theories about the mass extermination of Jews, said the Holocaust was “an enormous lie.”
“Jewish people have been persecuted, that is true, they have been deported, that is true, but there was no machinery of murder in any camp — no gas chambers,” he said in Tehran.
Participants included about half a dozen Jews from Europe and the United States clad in long black coats and black hats, some wearing badges depicting the Israeli flag crossed out. One wore a badge saying: “A Jew, not a Zionist.”
“We came here to put the Orthodox Jewish viewpoint,” said British Rabbi Ahron Cohen. “We certainly say there was a Holocaust … But in no way can it be used as a justification for perpetrating unjust acts against the Palestinians.”
Now I know Palestinians, or at least I did when I was in college, and this is a very sticky situation, brought on by colonialism and complicated power structures in Europe. Whether Israel should have been created is a very sticky subject, and certainly both Israel and Palestine have behaved in horrible, unjustifiable ways in their war against each other. I heard a short interview on the radio the other day with Jimmy Carter, who has a new book out, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid, which discusses much of the history of modern attempts at peace in this region. He is more hopeful, I believe, than most people, that anything good can come of this situation.
I’m not sure exactly what I am trying to say here…and certainly Iran has plenty of intellectuals and non-fundamentalists who are horrified by this conference. I, for one, was shocked that such a thing could happen in this modern age. I am not sure why, in days where atrocities like that in Darfur and Rwanda are mostly ignored, I should be shocked by people willing to ignore, nay, DENY the murder and torture of millions of people. But somehow, I still am.
Maya's Granny
The whole Isreal/Palestine thing is so complex and filled with horror.
You know I knew a guy in high school who believed this crap. I just can’t even touch it, it bothers me so much. My great grandma escaped from Poland with her dad, and two sons after her husband was murdered for walking out of the temple. After the war they tried to find the rest of the family and they were all dead. I just can’t understand how anyone could believe that 6 million people being murdered never happened. Idiots.
It gets my blood boiling as well. I continue to be shocked by the haters. I hope one day for peace, but I’m not too optimistic.
People can believe anything if they want to badly enough.
It kind of reminds me of global warming, where all the evidence points one way, but you are always going to get the few schmoes who want to go against the popular thought. It makes them feel special, no doubt.
Except in both these cases, I believe they are wrong.
I didn’t know that all it took was a vote to nullify historical events. If so, do you think maybe the Catholics could take a look at the Crusades? I get kind of embarrassed by the event and would rather it had never happened.
It’s beyond me why people choose to turn their backs on such horrible events! People, get your head our of your ass and face reality!