Coolio! Ms Mamma went in and nominated me for four, count them, FOUR blogger’s choice awards! She got me for Best Blog About Blogging, Best Parenting Blog, Best Pop Culture Blog, and Best Blogging Host (I’m not really a host, though, so I think she was just excited.) I’m a bit confused that there’s a little tag there that says, Adult Content.
Do I get racy from time to time? Gosh, I TRY not to…I mean, my MOTHER reads this! Then again, she IS an adult, and she could handle it…wait, my DAUGHTER reads this, and she isn’t. Yet. So I’m not sure about that. Anyway.
Thank you Ms Mamma! I’m touched and thrilled! I won’t ask any of you to go vote for me, because the big names always win these things, and I don’t want to get all obsessed with it and all…but boy, what an honor. 🙂 ( I did, however, go and vote for myself, because hey, I saw Election!)
Ms Mamma, you made my day.
Maya's Granny
Aha, you need to check out my blog from a couple of days ago, because I named you a Blog that makes me think.
Hi Mom,
Yes, I know you did. 🙂 Very flattered…that’s Monday’s post.
Congratulations. And all I have to say is that I’m glad my mother doesn’t read my blog. So glad.
You deserve it. I was excited, I thought you were the hostess with the most-est. My mistake. I guess I should have unchecked adult content? I wasn’t paying attention in my frenzy. Anyway, consider we’re alternative bloggers because we don’t do the dooce etc. It is fun, just to be thought of by someone you don’t even really know, isn’t it? Have a good day!
You got my vote as well.
don’t remember seeing any adult content. congrats!
Sophisticated Writer
Way to go, J! I’ll go vote for you 😀 And yes, your blog is amazing!
jay lassiter
you GO girl!
my mom reads my blog too and ever so ofter i get a note asking me to remove an offensive word or to maybe take down a snarky comment and replace it with something a little more thoughful.
not that she’s against me being pointed.
but great on you J and let’s go vote for you NOW!
Go J….all the way!
jay lassiter
i hate to be a (blog) ho’, but if you want to vote for my blog as best political blog…..
i’l lbe grateful!
You certainly deserve it. I saw you and was glad to see your nomination. I need to change my blogroll to reflect your new title too, I keep forgetting . . .
Yea J!!!!! Kickin’ ass and takin’ names!!!!!
Congratulations, J!!! Yeah! My Mom reads my blog also 🙂
ann adams
I found out you can vote for more than one person so I’ll vote for you the next time I’m over there (Blogger’s Choice). I’m there too on Best Parenting – still haven’t figured out why although I do know who did it.
well, according to your friends, you should clearly win in ALL categories. 🙂