• J

    1. For Nance,, these are the fake deer in the yard near our house. Our neighborhood is a mix of older houses like this, and ‘newer’ condos, like ours (30 years old), and new construction, like the fourth picture.

    2. Heather Farm, a nice park in our fair city, has a lake and a bird sanctuary, and of course, ducks and geese. I love this oak tree, and if you’re lucky, sometimes there are geese in the tree.

    3. Looks like we’re lucky today! Geese in the oak tree!

    4. This is the construction that wakes us up most mornings. They’re taking the parking lot to our local BART station, and making it into a little urban village. The plan is for the first floor to be retail and restaurants, I think, and the second, third, and fourth (maybe 4?) floors to be apartments and condos. That’s my understanding, at least. This is part of the reason we tried to move way back when, to avoid the construction. Since we’re stuck here, we hope it turns out very nice and increases the quality of life in our neighborhood, and thus property values someday. 😉

  • Autumn's Mom

    I didn’t know they were planning all of that by BART. Interesting. What is the “scheduled” completion date?

    I haven’t been to Heather Farms in forever.

    • J

      AM, I’m not sure when they’re scheduled to be completed, but I suspect it will be a few years. Sigh. I don’t like the 7am wake up call every morning, though. We’re up anyway on weekdays, but Saturdays? Blech.

  • Starshine

    I wonder if your neighborhood association can petition for weekend construction to start at a later hour? It will be nice to have those amenities so nearby one day, but for now…time to invest in some ear plugs!

  • Nance

    Oh, J! As soon as your blog came up on my screen, I started to smile. I just knew you were “Thinking About” me. LOL. Thanks…I think. See! Canada geese ARE ubiquitous!

  • J

    Starshine, hmmm…I wonder if we could ask for that? Not a bad idea.

    Ben, I know! How often does one get to see such a sight? Often around here, but it never occurred to me. This is the Pleasant Hill BART station, btw.

    Nance, glad you stopped by and saw our ‘deer’. 😉

  • Cherry

    See and I was thinking that the geese in the tree would be a bad thing… you know… for your hair.

    I love how your picture of the fake deer look like one deer has his head ______. Yea I went there.

    I read all about the Trasit Village plans a few years ago. I didn’t like the idea of it one bit although I do hope it raises the values for you. If I remember correctly they plan on completion in 2010 which may explain the 7 days a week construction. But still.. totally blows.

    which is better, that annoying bird that used to wake you up or the constuction?

    • J

      Cherry, I try not to stand under the tree…save the hair!

      I doubt the transit village will be complete by 2010, but we did get a neighborhood newsletter saying that they’re phasing it back to cut out some of the office buildings and condos, due to the economy. The construction is about 50,000 times easier to take than that damn bluejay was. Sorry, nature.