Time for Bacation

We’re off for a week of R & R in the Pacific Northwest, which will include a stop for dinner and a play in Ashland, OR, sleep overnight there, and then on to Portland to visit with the family, including my new baby niece, Sophie! Hopefully we will see the beautiful Chloe and her family, too. Yay! We may have blogging access while we’re there (we’re going to try, so check back from time to time), but we may not (ACK! Can I survive without my blog? Without reading YOUR blogs? I don’t KNOW!).

If you don’t hear from me in awhile….you’ll know that I’m far away in the wilderness (Portland isn’t really wilderness, but my dad lives near Forest Park, which is semi wildernessy….you know, for a city and all.)

I’ll miss you. Really. A lot. Don’t do anything interesting while I’m gone. I’m not even kidding.

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