The Wind of Change

(image found here)

I feel the wind of change blowing about me.

Change in the weather, with a rainy storm blowing through this weekend that will hopefully portend the end of a brutal and dangerous droubt in the West.

Change in politics, hopfully ushering in the Presidency of a compassionate, effective, intelligent, and tireless man.  Goodness knows the man in that office now has none of these attributes.

Change in our personal luck.  Ted has been looking for work since June, and has now lined up two teaching jobs in local community colleges for this coming Spring semester.  I hope that this is a portend of a full time teaching job in his near future.  Ted is a gifted teacher, and I hope that the bad luck of losing work back in June leads to the good luck of a better job very soon.

Change in my personal pain.  Because while I am still missing my mom terribly, the other day I came across a picture of her, a recent picture, and it struck me that she was very ill.  I knew that, of course.  She would not have died if she had not been so ill.  But for some reason, seeing that picture the other day brought me some acceptance of my loss.  It brought me some peace, some feeling that there truly was nothing that I could have done to have saved her.  That if she were still alive today, she would not be better off, she would be suffering, and still in the midst of a painful decline.  This has brought me no joy, but it has brought me some acceptance, some peace, and I feel like this is a good thing.

There’s a lot of change around here, it seems.  Change for us all.  I pray that this wind blows change for good, and that no more ill will blows our way.

My friend Starshine has a NaBloPoMo challenge, with a different word you can use as a writing prompt for each day of November. Today’s prompt is, “Winds of Change.”  Thanks, Starshine!

~ DoSoEvAyMo

1.  I’m planning on sleeping in, if I can.  I pretty much plan to do this every weekend, but too often, I wake up and start thinking, and cannot go back to sleep.  Stupid thinking.

2.  Maya’s at a sleepover which will turn into an ice skating party, and won’t have her home until evening.  So maybe we’ll go see a movie that’s inappropriate for 12 year olds.

3.  Ted and Maya did the grocery shopping yesterday, and there’s not a lot of laundry to be done, so not too many chores to do.  Yay!