Thankful Thoughts

Blog friend Jonathan wrote a nice post the other day about things he was thankful for at that moment in time. I like the idea of setting aside the obvious things like family and so on, and concentrating on the more immediate things. Here, then, are 5 things I am thankful for right now.

  1. I am thankful that we were able to procure COVID-19 at home tests, so that when Maya started feeling kind of crummy, she took a test. Not thankful that the results were positive, but thankful that she found out quickly.
  2. I am thankful for the vaccines, including the booster, that we were able to get. I know this isn’t always the case, but for us, this means very mild symptoms, and if it weren’t for the test we really wouldn’t even know that she had anything more than a bit of a headache and a stomach bug.
  3. I am thankful that she can work from home until she tests negative. She started working at her current job in the fall of 2020, and everything was work from home at that point. So she has the setup here, and all she had to do was go to the office for her laptop, which someone brought to the car for her.
  4. I am thankful for curbside pickup, because I have recently gone back to my old habits of grocery shopping most days, for that day’s needs. It’s not a smart way to live during a pandemic, but I was feeling pretty good about masks and vaccines and so on. Once she tested positive, we ordered groceries for the week from our local Safeway, and I parked in the designated spot, and they brought the groceries out and loaded them into the car for me. Great service, and really nice to not worry about spreading COVID.
  5. I am thankful for the upcoming 3 day weekend. We were invited to go with some friends, another couple, to their time share a couple of hours from here, do some hiking and perhaps wine tasting. Clearly those plans are off, we will not be hanging out with other people and infecting them. But assuming we don’t get sick, we may go do a hike at the coast, staying away from others and wearing masks if we get near anyone. Originally we thought we would get takeout for that, but now more likely will be food from home.


  • nance

    Oh, hell. Welcome to the club. I hope your symptoms remain very mild and do not linger. This variant comes for us all, I think.

    I’m sorry that you don’t get to spend the weekend with friends. That sounded like it was going to be a very lovely time.

    Take care over there. Keep us posted.

    • J

      Thanks Nance, thus far only our daughter has tested positive, though we are aware that this could change at any time (especially since we haven’t taken a test in a few days). She’s definitely sick, but not nearly so sick as if she had a flu.

      Yes, we’re bummed about the weekend plans. But we’re still planning on going to our hike, though she will be staying home. Even though we’ll be outdoors, she’s not feeling up to it.

  • Martha

    I am so sorry that Covid has invaded your home now too. Everyone seems to be getting it lately. I hope your daughter feels better son and I hope you and your hubby steer clear of it somehow!

    • J

      Thank you Martha! We all tested today, and I am happy to report that we all tested negative. Our daughter still has symptoms, but seems to be on the mend, which is a relief.

  • Ally Bean

    I’m sorry to read this but know that you’ll be fine. This covid virus is insidious, obviously. Take care, be well.

    [I didn’t realize that Jonathan was back to blogging. I haven’t heard from him. The last I read him he said he was ending his blog. Changed his mind I guess.]