
My plan for today’s blog was to make a Thursday 13, and list 13 things for which I am thankful.  Family, friends, our health, having a job, good elections, etc. etc.

As so often happens, though, life got in the way.  Let me tell you what happened.

Ted and I use WordPress to maintain our blogs.  Ted’s really good about updating his blog to the most current version of WordPress, but often the update comes with a small hand full of problems.  There will be something new that he has to tweak, and it takes time, and blah blah blah.  Me?  I’m more the “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” kind of person.  My blog works perfectly well, I can do everything I want to do, everything’s fine, so no, I won’t make changes that might turn out to be a pain in the neck.

My lackadaisical attitude bit me in the butt on Tuesday.  Seems that some asshat hackers got in and infected a ton of WordPress blogs.  You guessed it, the ones that were on older versions.  Sigh.  So, while I was out with Maya looking for a dress and shoes for Maya to wear for Thanksgiving and a funeral on Saturday, Ted spent hours on the phone with tech support working to get my blog fixed.  Then he had to go onto WordPress user boards Wednesday morning to figure out why I couldn’t log in anymore.

So, today, I am thankful to Ted and his persiverance and dedication, his willingness to spend hours trying to (and succeeding) fix my blog.  Thus far, the only thing that went wrong is that the fonts didn’t line up or something, and there are weird ‘Â’ symbols throughout all of my old posts.  Strange, huh?  I have over a thousand posts, so I haven’t decided yet if I’m going to fix them or not.

Thank you, Ted, my personal IT guru.  You’re the best husband, ever.


My plan today is to make some turkey and yams, eat, relax, have a lovely time with family, and hopefully have a nap.   Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!


  • Ted

    The big lesson learned on your bloggy problem (except for updating to new versions of WP) is this: deactivate your plugins before upgrading. I usually do, but your blog was on a different program called Fantasico, and it didn’t automatically deactivate you plugins prior to upgrading. The techs at Blue Host couldn’t figure out what was causing the problem, but on the WP forums, there was one moderator who had a few solutions. One was to use another cPanel feature where I could access your blog and replace a certain code. After hunting for a bit, I found it, deleted it and replaced it with a deactivation code. After that, I could do the upgrades, install new plugins, and, well everything worked out just fine.

    Also, finding that virus was a pain — since I have four websites on our account. I had to go through each folder and look for the offending file. Wouldn’t you know it, it was the second to last folder where it was hiding. But hey, I got it!

    Anyway, that’s probably more than you wanted to know. 🙂

  • Cherry

    Hurray for Ted!
    I’m very thankful for Ted because while I am very lucky to get to talk to J almost every day, I know many people would miss her if the blog fixing didn’t work out. Stupid hackers.

    Enjoy your drunk bird in a bag and drunk yams too. J, do we need to sit down and have a talk? There is a lot of alcohol flowing in your kitchen today!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  • Starshine

    Happy Thanksgiving! So glad Ted was able to get things straightened out with your blog.

    I can’t wait to hear how your champagne turkey tasted!

    BTW, isn’t it amazing to think that you’ve published over 1000 posts? Congrats on that accomplishment!