Talking Politics with a 12 Year Old

Last night, watching Palin speaking at the convention, Maya started asking us, “Is she lying?”  She’s 12.  She does not understand nuances yet, sees the world in black and white, us and them, good and bad.  She likes Obama, and therefore if there’s a woman up on stage trash-talking him, she wants to know if that woman is lying.  She doesn’t yet see that, sadly, ALL politicians skew the facts in their own favor, ALL politicians pump up their own resumes in order to make themselves more electable.  What she wants to know is, “Is she lying?”  So, I printed this article up for her today when I saw it on Yahoo.  (Hint:  Yes, lots of lying going on.)

This election has gotten pretty ugly in the last week.  I’m already tired of the stories of Palin’s daughter’s pregnancy.  Teen pregnancies happen in all walks of life.  My own mother wasn’t a teen, she was 21, but she got married 6 days before my brother was born. These things happen, when hormones overcome common sense.  But I cannot help but think that Palin’s policies, of abstinence only teaching and restricting birth control, will simply lead to many more teen pregnancies, not fewer.

I’m tired of hearing about John McCain’s service in Viet Nam every two minutes.  Wait, don’t slam me.  I truly admire him for his convictions, for serving his country, for refusing to leave captivity when he had the chance, because there were others there who had been in captivity longer.  I respect and admire that.  But for the GOP to push this down our throats and act as though he is entitled to be President based solely on his service bugs the crap out of me, because in 2004 we had another Viet Nam hero running against someone who dodged foreign service (with daddy’s help), and Kerry was nothing but slammed for his service.  So it’s not fair.

I’m tired of hearing about sexism against Palin, not because I don’t think it’s happening.  I do think it’s happening.  But I think Clinton got it in spades, for every year of her career thus far, and much of that sexism coming from these same people who are now crying foul.

We watched McCain tonight.  I liked his speech.  I hope to hell that if he wins the election, he stays healthy and alive and resists the pull of the more conservative movement within his party.  I have nothing against religion and creationism, but they belong in church.   Teach evolution in science class, and creationism in religion class (and I happen to think a world religions class in high school would be an excellent idea for all students, as long as it doesn’t push one in front of another).  Then we could allow children to make up their own minds and decide for themselves what they believe.  I mean, God can take care of himself, correct?  Don’t we all get stronger from asking the questions, and reaffirming our beliefs, whatever they may be?

Wait, that was a sidetrack on Palin and the religious right.  Sorry.

Again, I liked most of McCain’s speech.  I liked that he put some distance between himself and BushCo.  I wish he hadn’t spent the last 8 years, since they totally TRASHED him and his family in the primaries in ugly ways that Palin hasn’t yet had to deal with, kowtowing to them and making nice and kissing many asses of people he neither likes nor respects, in order to save his career.  I wish he were really more like his persona up there on stage.

Who knows.  Perhaps he is.  If he wins, I sure as hell hope so.  I also hope that the rumors of his temper are false, because to me, that doesn’t mesh well with a safe foreign policy.

So, what to tell the 12 year old in the house?  Are they all liars?


  • lilalia

    Yes, sadly, they all do lie. What I find disturbing is Ms. Palin’s belittling, belligerent, and righteous art of talking about the accomplishments of others who do not share her limited perspective on life.

  • Starshine

    I liked McCain’s speech, too–especially the very end, when he invited everyone to join in and take part in changing this country if there is something they see that they don’t like. If we are a nation governed by the people, then we all have our own ways to contribute to bring about desired change.

    The part of the election coverage that I get tired of is the endless spin. I was talking to Hubs tonight, and we both want to read a side-by-side comparison of the platforms these candidates are running on. Now that we have seen the speeches and the conventions are over, I want to read for myself what these candidates really want to achieve.

  • joan

    I was so tired Wednesday I didn’t watch Palin’s speech and last night we were out for our son’s football game therefore I can’t comment about the convention. As a matter of fact, I’m still tired. I’m going to process it all over the weekend.

  • Rob

    The only speech I was able to listen to without shouting at the television set was Tom Ridge. He seemed to maintain some dignity and to speak from real conviction, without stooping to low blows. Palin and Guiliani were unbearable. McCain I actually found sort of moving when he spoke of his Vietnam experience, but it was undercut by the fact that he has completely remade himself to pander to the religious right. Four years in a box in Hanoi didn’t break him, but apparently the fundamentalist “base” of the Republican party has.

  • Pony Storm

    J!You have provided the most open-minded commentary on the whole policical shebang that I have read [or heard] in the last two weeks. You may be the only blogger in America to give an honest look into the mind of Jane Q.Public. Very good work!

  • Autumn's Mom

    I wish they weren’t, but I think they are. It’s nice to hear that you listened to what both candidates had to say and really want to find out what both thinks about the issues. Unfortunately, mostly it seems they say one thing and end up doing…not much.

  • Ted

    McCain’s got a tough battle within his own party. Kissing the collective ring of the evangelical Christian Right was a real shocker, but he had to do it if he wanted to be a serious contender in his own party. The problem is that his speech was one that tried to put some distance between his candidacy and much of what the “base” of his party wants politically. The fact that he has a kind of Bush clone as a VP choice should give anyone on the fence pause as they consider not only how old McCain is, but that his health is pretty dicey — and guess who’s in line for the Big Chair if he dies? McCain may believe what he said in his speech last night, but you can bet the “base” and Mrs. Palin didn’t buy much of it.

  • Theresa Bakker

    This is so wrenching, J. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and your thought process. I’ve been feeling a little lied to myself. In some ways, politics are a crash course in media literacy. Maybe we should always question the source of our information and keep on questioning. Especially people who want to sell us something, whether it’s candidates or beauty products.

  • MRMacrum

    J – If you would like to see a video from a man who went to the Naval academy and also happened to be a POW at the same time in Hanoi with John McCain – A video by Dr Butler can be seen here

    Not over the top, just an interesting perspective from someone who knew John as well as anyone back at that time. Very respectful of John but he lays out clearly why he cannot vote for him. The video is quite short.

    Dr Butler also wrote an open letter that is archived at military-dot-com

  • Jimmy

    I’ll try to behave…….first let me say
    “Don’t Tax Me Bro”……OK…..had to get that outta the way!!LOL!!!!
    I did enjoy your post and couldn’t imagine trying to explain Sarah’s bulldog tactics to Maya!

    Sarah did what she had to do! It’s the game of politics!

    Personally, I’m all for Sarah and McCain , and I wish Sarah was running for president!

    I’m not religious and don’t have any faith what so ever, but I’ll take Sarah’s faith over Obama’s any day!

    And Sarah’s faith seems to be a lot stronger than the hate filled sermons Obama has been gettin from the reverend Wright?

    I’m not here to be mean spirited! I just feel differently about the candidates than you do! I trust my candidates to do a better job for America, and you trust your’s to do the same.

    Sometimes I secretly want Obama to win the election so I can sit back and watch America go to hell in a hand basket??????I don’t know how to explain that…….it’s like letting a child make his own mistakes, and then saying……”see I told you so”!!!!

  • J

    Jimmy, you need to switch to Libertarian Party. My mom always said one good thing about being Libertarian was never having to say you’re sorry. There’s never a Libertarian in office, so your guy is never the one making the big mistakes. 😉

  • donna

    Jimmy, so you make over 250K a year? Because that’s the only way Obama will raise your taxes. If you make less than that, you would probably get a tax cut. Under McCain’s policies, the rich get the cut and you get to pay as much or more than you do now. Look at the tax policy center’s comparison of the two plans.

    Let’s look at some facts, not the fictions the McCain/Palin campaign throw out.