
Through this ordeal thus far, I’ve received some very good advice…to care for myself, to keep good thoughts so my body can stay strong, to take time for myself, to be kind to myself, etc. And I’ve been trying. The hotel has a gym; I belong to an online yoga studio; there are paths to be found around here that aren’t too icy, so I can take a walk when it isn’t too cold. So I’ve been exercising every day. The hotel has a large kitchen that families can use, and my room has a fridge and a microwave, so I’m not stuck eating in the hospital cafeteria. I’m eating healthily, getting plenty of fruits and vegetables and whole grains. I’m sleeping as much as I can. I’m keeping in touch with family and friends, my support network, via phone, email, and blog. And still, on Sunday I was torn between a tummy ache all day long and blurred vision (migraine), which had my flat on my back in a darkened room, unable to be there for my mom and keep her company.  Thankfully, today was a much better day in both regards.