Songs About Relationships

I’m not sure if I have mentioned it here before, but my husband Ted has a music podcast, Planet LP, which has morphed over the years. When he first started as a way to entertain himself and stay creative in the early days of the podcast, he talked about music and books. Then he took on a cohost and the format turned to music only. Eventually, his cohost realized that he was too busy for the commitment, and is now an occasional guest. At one point Ted’s podcast was once a week, but when he started at his current job, he realized he had far less down time than his prior job, so now he aims to post a couple of times a month.
He usually has a guest, and they talk to bands, or about new music, or sometimes they will give their top 5 or top 10 songs that fit whatever theme they have that week. This week, the topic was Songs about Relationships, and he and guest Danielle Jennings discussed the different types of relationships that a person has, be it romantic, familial, friendship, and perhaps most importantly, one’s relationship with oneself. I found it very interesting, and enjoyed the music that they brought in as examples of different relationships. I like all of his episodes, but some are topics that interest me more than others, and I found this one especially engaging and enjoyable.
If you’re so inclined, give it a listen. It’s an hour and 12 minutes.
Yay! My podcast got a mention on your blog!!! Glad you enjoyed the episode. I know the podcast sometimes gets deep in the weeds of certain bands and artists, but thrilled to hear that you connected with this discussion.
Yeah, I liked this one a lot. 🙂
Ally Bean
I don’t listen to many podcasts but I’m fascinated to know that you’re married to a podcaster. That seems cool. Ted’s topic is something foreign to me, but I do like contemplating songs about relationships. They seem like the ones that resonate the most.
I listen to a handful of podcasts, not regularly, but I do enjoy it sometimes when I’m out walking or cooking or something.
Kyria @ Travel Spot
I love music, but have not really found myself exploring as much new music as I used to so that may be just what I need. I will have to give this week’s show a listen. I know that there is definitely a lot of music about relationships! There are also relationships with items, such as drugs or cars or in the case of country music, sometimes your dog or your horse (nothing wrong with that!) I also think that songs may not be about relationships, but they can help form a relationship (I have a good friend who I would not have liked as much had she not been a Beastie Boys fan!)
Sometimes a connection over a band can give you a starting off point, right? If you’re interested in hearing about new music, you might enjoy the upcoming episode, where Ted and his friend Keith will be discussing new music (among other things)
He does more podcasts now than he did? I didn’t understand that sentence very well. I find that topic fascinating and admire those who can reflect on music in analytical terms. I just know what I like and don’t!
Good catch Margaret! Typo. He aims for a couple a month. I will fix it. 🙂
Nicole MacPherson
I had no idea your husband was a podcaster and I am going to download that episode THIS VERY MINUTE!!!
Nicole, that’s great! I hope you enjoyed it.
Lisa of Lisa's Yarns
This is so cool! I will have to check this out. I love music but do not listen to much music since I became obsessed with podcasts!
Let me know if you check it out, that would be great!
What a fun format for a podcast! I am currently pondering my favorite songs in which dogs are main characters – I think dogs play a much bigger role in our lives than they do in songs (like, a way bigger role than cocaine and guns, which I never would have guessed would happen when I was a tween/teen listening to music).
NGS, did you come up with some good dog songs? I had a couple of songs that I would sing to Mulder, but they weren’t about dogs. One was ‘Beautiful Boy, Darling Boy’, another was “Just the Two of Us”, and then “Just You and I”…mostly the last two I would sing as we were leaving for our morning walk, because Ted and Maya had places to be (work) and Mulder and I would have our walks before I started work. Benefit of working from home.