Picture of the Day – Street Performer in Paris

Our last day in Paris found us back at Sacre Coeur. Carey liked the neighborhood vibe, and wanted to climb the front steps to the church, which we had missed before. This time we knew which Metro train to take, and what exit to take. It was Sunday now, and more crowded than the first time we were there. I think it’s generally a crowded area, though, unless you are staying close by and get there early. As we approached the church, this man was putting on quite a show. You can’t really see it in this picture, but he is balancing a soccer ball. He started out doing all sorts of acrobatics on the railing at the bottom right corner of the photo, which is at the top of a steep set of stairs, so if he had fallen, it would have been horrible. Then he shimmied up the light post and swung around, keeping control of his ball the entire time. It was pretty great. When he finally came down, he had his hat out for tips, and he shook hands and thanked everyone who donated. What a way to make a living!
Love this photo.
I always appreciate street performers and enjoy seeing their art. Some in Cleveland have become true fixtures of the city.
I love that! Yes, when we tipped this guy I thought, wow, he works so much harder than I ever do! And he was so charming.