• Allergy Boy

    Last year, Mulder appeared to come down with allergies.  He was losing hair at an alarming rate, and was very itchy.  His fur felt dry and brittle.  He has an undercoat, which is what he was losing, so you couldn’t really TELL that he was losing hair, except that the evidence was all over our house, we could see tufts of hair fly behind him when he walked, our clothes were covered with it, etc.  His armpits went bald.  It was worrisome, and when he was at the vet, she said it was not uncommon for dogs to develop allergies at about age 3. So, we tried giving him Benadryl,…

  • Monday Randomness

    Since finding the pomegranate in a bush last year, I have had my eyes out for pomegranate trees and bushes. There is one on the path of my daily walk, and I noticed the other day that it has both flowers and little pomegranate buds. Aren’t they cute? I will be interested to see how many large pomegranates the tree gets. I don’t know whether the people whose yard it is eat them, or if people take them, or perhaps squirrels and birds. We shall see what happens. I’ve lived here for almost 23 years, and this is the first year I’ve really paid attention to pomegranates in the area.…

  • Hog Island Oyster Co – Napa

    Ted and I decided to take advantage of the lovely weather here, and drive up to Napa today. The catalyst for this drive was that next Sunday is Easter, and we will be having Easter Brunch with his family. Last year, we had delicious Eggs Benedict with crab cakes in place of Canadian bacon, and it was a hit, so we decided that would be on the menu again. There is a small chain of bakeries in Napa County, Model Bakery, that has amazing English muffins, so we drove up to buy some, and while there, we had lunch at a neighboring restaurant, the Hog Island Oyster Company. They are…

  • Happy Birthday Puppy Boy!

    Mulder is 4 years old today! Happy Birthday Puppy Boy! We took him for a nice long walk, and I gave him a piece of bacon this morning. Ted just brushed his teeth and he had a carrot (his reward for teeth brushing or fur brushing), and later I am going to bake him some homemade peanut butter dog cookies. In case you are ever so inclined, here is the recipe. I once made him some from an Ina Garten recipe, but he likes these just as much, and they are fewer ingredients and easier to make, so I’ll go with these. Someone from the dog rescue where we got…

  • First Day

    In my last post, I mentioned that Maya was interviewing for jobs. I haven’t heard anything about the employment agency sending her anything, but she DID really like the law firm, and accepted a job offer there. Today is her first day. I’m thinking of her and hoping it turns out to be a good fit and that she excels there and makes friends and so on, all the things you wish for someone on their first day. She left to catch BART at the same time that Puppy Boy and I were leaving for our walk, and for some reason seeing her in her business clothes (skirt, hose, pumps,…

  • Friday Randomness

    Birthday, Part 2 Though my birthday was in December, tomorrow we are doing the things I wanted to do then, but couldn’t. After our vacation last summer in France, I was excited to see that one of our local art museums has an exhibit on Monet’s later years, a time when he was painting his garden, over and over again. Trouble was, the exhibit didn’t open until recently, so we couldn’t go in December. My stepmom, Julie, gave me money for my birthday, which I used to buy a membership to the fine arts museums in San Francisco, and I reserved tickets tomorrow to see the Monet exhibit. So excited!…

  • Chicken or Fish with tomatoes, capers, onion, and butter

    Last week, we received a flyer in the mail for Whole Foods, which included a picture of some delicious looking fish served on tomato sauce. Pretty, isn’t it? The fish was on sale, and so were the tomatoes. They did not have a recipe for the dish as shown in the flyer, but they did have a recipe for the sauce, which you can also find here. I decided to splurge and buy the fish (sea bass, spendy), and I added some capers to the recipe. I just made the sauce, added capers, and then when it was about finished, added the fish and simmered until it was done. It…

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  • Lentil and Tuna Salad

    I was trying to decide on what to make for dinner the other night, and looking at what we had in our kitchen. We had some lovely French lentils and some good quality tuna, so I went looking for a recipe that would combine them. I found this recipe at NYTimes cooking.  I couldn’t see why you would buy tuna in water, then use olive oil in your vinaigrette, so I used the olive oil that the tuna came with, and it was delicious.  I mixed it with some baby spinach to give it greens.  When I had some the next day for leftovers, I bought some arugula, and it…

  • (Not) Wordless Wednesday

    I hope you have all been well, and that you have had a lovely Christmas or Hanukkah or Solstice or whatever. Ours has been lovely. One gift I received is a new iPad, which is SUCH a relief, my old one, while much adored, was so out of date that it could not take new updates, and thus pages would freeze and reload and freeze and reload, and it was a nightmare to do anything more than a text or facebook on it. Now with my new iPad, which is all up to date and happy, I am hopefully going to manage to find more time here. We shall see.…