• Thursday 13 + 2

    Nance very kindly gave me some blog fodder for today. Why am I bothering with the blog while on vacation, you might ask? Because I’m sitting here waiting for my daughter to wake up so we can go to the beach and have a swim. Speaking of which, I have bought the most ridiculous swim combo ever. Next would be bloomers like women wore in the early 1900s. I am very sensitive to the sun, due to medication that I take, and the sun in the tropics FEELS like our sun, but is more brutal. So I put on reef safe sunscreen, and then I put on a bathing suit,…

  • Meme Monday

    My brain has been very distracted lately. In late August, my 97 1/2 year old Great Aunt fell. She lived alone, but was able to call 911, and a neighbor was able to let the paramedics in, and off she went to the hospital. She said her ribs hurt, so they did an X-Ray of her ribs, found no problems, and sent her home. They sent her home even though she could not walk without collapsing in extreme pain, and even though she lived alone. One of my cousins, K, took her back to her house, where she stayed for almost a week, until her follow up visit with her…

  • Lura

    Ted is the youngest of 4 siblings. His eldest brother is Ray, then sister Lura, then Steve, then Ted. This is a picture of Ted goofing around way back in about 1986 or 87. This is about the age they were when I met them. Even in this goofy picture, you can see her beautiful smile. The last few months have been rough, as Lura went to the hospital thinking she had asthma or perhaps even pneumonia, and it was discovered she had stage 4 lung cancer. It was inoperable, and had spread enough that there wasn’t much they could do for her. With medication and treatment, she could perhaps…

  • A Tale of Two Tarts

    August and September are the best months for tomatoes. I can’t grow them, we don’t get enough sunshine in our yard. I’ve tried many times, and it always comes out that I spend far too much money and time on the water for the tiny little crop that we get. It’s pathetic. So I support our local farmers by going to the weekend Farmer’s Markets, and I get some pretty amazing tomatoes. So awhile ago, a cooking blog that I sometimes follow posted a picture of an amazing looking tomato tart on their Facebook page, and I decided that I had to try it. Happily, a few weeks later, we…

  • Recall Stupidness

    California is sometimes a wonderful place, with our amazing produce and wine and sunshine and coastline. It is sometimes a horrible place, with our wildfires, droughts, insane housing prices, our never ending homeless problems, and hot hot weather. And sadly, it is often a stupid place, with our ballot initiatives and our recall elections. This history of the process goes back to the early 20th century, when sweeping reforms went through in an attempt to weaken influence of private interests, and give more power to the voter. Sadly, this means we often get to vote on stupid things, including sometimes contradictory measures that confuse the voters. Our recall process is…

  • Meme Monday – Salade Niçoise

    I like to cook healthy, light meals. I also like to eat a big bag of salt and vinegar chips by myself, in little portions so it doesn’t seem like I’m actually going to finish the bag, but really, whom are we kidding? No one. One meal that I really like when it is summer and the tomatoes are good is Salade Niçoise. My recipe is kind of old school, and I prefer canned tuna to fresh. Ted prefers fresh, so if he is making the salad, he will grill tuna outside. If I’m making it, I find the expensive Italian tuna in a jar. I like to add avocado…

  • Catching Up….

    I’m not sure if you will be able to see this video or not…it shows for me. It’s just the view from the house where we stayed last weekend, and the delicious rain outside…not so delightful to those of you not in the midst of a drought. But delightful for me to be sure. It’s been a busy time around here. Or not around here, actually. Last weekend we flew up to Portland to see my family, and also to scatter my father’s ashes, as was his wish. I was simultaneously looking forward to and dreading the trip. So do I tell you about it sequentially, or start with the…

  • Meme Monday

    I haven’t found a way to weave this meme in with the content below, but it speaks to me. This weekend was another of easing back into normal. Saturday, I got my hair done. I’ve been pretty comfortable getting my hair done during the pandemic, ever since I heard of a study done on two hairdressers who both tested positive for COVID, and had been seeing a lot of clients (I think maybe they worked at a Supercuts or something like that), and they did not pass it on to a single client. They were able to do really thorough contact tracing and no one got sick. Thanks to masks.…

  • Friday Randomness

    Today’s post is one of those potpourri type posts, where I have some ideas, but haven’t gotten around to putting them in their own blog posts, so I am going to lump them all together. Ted and Maya were away last week.  Ted’s aunt, who lives in Salt Lake City, had a stroke last year.  His mom wanted to go visit her, but of course she could not, due to COVID restrictions.  Earlier this year, his mom fell and fractured her foot.  It is mostly healed now, but Ted and his brother weren’t thrilled with the idea of her traveling alone.  She is nearing her mid-80s, and is extremely active,…