Page 123 Meme

OK, all of the cool kids are doing it, so I guess I’m in, too. ๐Ÿ™‚

Here are the rules:

1. Find the nearest book.
2. Name the book & the author.
3. Turn to page 123.
4. Go to the fifth sentence on the page. Copy out the next three sentences and post to your blog.
5. Tag three more folks.

Here goes:

1. Got it. Not going to use it, because it’s not really handy…it’s holding up my computer monitor. Cheap ergonomics, meant to get the monitor closer to eye level and reduce strain on my neck and upper back. Instead, I’ll use the book I’m reading right now.

2. Under Orders, by Dick Francis

3. OK, done.

4. “We left the lights on in the flat and went down through the building to the garage. Marina lay down on the back seat of the car as I drove out onto Ebury Street. Anyone watching would have thought I was on my own and assumed that Marina was alone upstairs.”

Since I’m currently on page 34 of this book, that gave me a tiny little glimpse…Marina is Sid’s girlfriend, who Sid likes to keep under wraps, because he’s famous as an ex-jockey, and also famous in certain circles as a professional sleuth, which puts him in dangerous situations quite often. I’m assuming Marina is hiding so she will remain safe. Or because she’s in danger, and they want to trick someone into thinking she’s alone, because Sid has set a trap for the would-be evil-doers upstairs…oh dear.
UPDATE – No trap upstairs.ร‚ย  Just trying to protect Marina.ร‚ย  Not very successfully, I might add.

5. Nope, no tagging. Everyone is already playing this game, because it’s fun and easy, so I won’t. If you haven’t done it yet, and want to, go for it. Or, if you’ve done it already, and want to do it again with a new book, go for it again. ๐Ÿ˜‰