No, I’m Not Feeling Better

I’m not feeling better today. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t laugh a little, and The Onion always does an amazing job when the shit hits the fan.

Then there are memes, like this one, which would be funny if they didn’t feel so true.

And this one.

Here’s one, I think from the first Women’s March. We are tired and angry, but as Harris said yesterday, we cannot stop fighting for a better future.

And lastly, here’s a meme of encouragement. Thanks you guys, for being that light for me.

Kyria @ Travel Spot
I like the women’s march sign! That is a good one! Sorry you are not feeling better; keep your head up!
Me too, excellent quote by Angela Davis.
I love The Onion. This is hilarious, and I forwarded it to several people. I like the article in the lower left corner- “Supporters of Basic Human Dignity Taken Down a Notch.”
We need to band together, not lose hope, be kind to one another, and… laugh a little. It definitely helps.
Thanks for the smile!
Trying…not easy.
I love the Onion too. I forget about them for ages, and then something happens and there they are with the perfect satire to make me feel seen at least, if not any better.
America defeats America! That’s the first time I’ve seen that slogan…and it says it all.
SO HARD. Yeah, it says it all.
Nothing much helps right now, but that first headline is clever.
You’re right, nothing helps. Except knowing there are so many others out here feeling the same way, that’s a bit of comfort.
ccr in MA
Oh, pisstified is the exact word!
I liked that one a lot!
Ally Bean
“Pistified” is the word I needed to know! Thanks for it and the laugh via The Onion.
We have to find a bit of light where we can, right?
Michelle G.
Great post, J. The last quote is very powerful.
Thank you. 🙂
Lisa’s Yarns
Pistified is an apt description. I am still processing what our nation chose. There are so many things to be terrified. Like RFK in charge of health and human services? What is that lunatic going to do to the FDA and CDC? And that is just scratching the surface in terms of the impacts of this vote. But clearly the democratic party needs to do some work. I thought Ezra Klein’s analysis on his pod was good. If the party couldn’t defeat someone as problematic as Trump, the party has clearly lost its way.
I’m not quite ready to listen to something as thoughtful as Ezra Klein. Heck, I can barely listen to the news. Right now I’m sticking to my books. I’ll do the work when it need to get done, but I’m not there yet.
Oh, I love that Angela Davis quote (“I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept”). I hope I see her again at the annual conference next week. My photo with her is my all-time treasure.
And Pisstified is the word I didn’t know I needed!
Hang in there, Jules.
15 heart emojis to your picture with Angela Davis!!!
America votes against America indeed. Against equal rights, the Constitution, women’s reproductive health, etc. SO MUCH. It hurts too much to laugh right now.
Yeah, it’s a bitter chuckle, right? The kind that sticks in your throat.
Sorry I can’t be your light. Not right now anyway. I’m too distressed.
You know what? You are part of my light. Your being distressed IS my light. Not feeling alone (as if I could, with my family here and in California, but still) is KEY right now. I don’t want to feel like an island, and others being upset HELPS.
Tobia | craftaliciousme
Pisstefied is going into my dictionary.
Also the headline says it all.
I like the encourage one too.
Thank you Tobia. <3 Your post on your blog about this was very moving.
This sucks J. We turned off the analysis of what the effect of Trumps policies will mean for Australia if they are fully implemented. Not sticking our head in the sand but decided we just need to wait and see how much he implements.
THIS SUCKS is right, and you are right, a different President in the US has so many ramifications to the world. I’m genuinely sorry.
Yes it’s quite a mess and will take awhile to comprehend. ? Meanwhile I am making collages like mad, listening to Green Day, and happy to have this blogging challenge to focus my energy!
Yeah, we all have our coping mechanisms. I think music and art are really constructive.
I can’t even laugh right now at all of that. I’m too bitter and too … frightened?
Not there yet. Sorry.
But I’m trying.
I think it’s going to take awhile.
“Then there are memes, like this one, which would be funny if they didn’t feel so true.”
True, that.
Big sigh.
I needed that pic from The Onion. The weather being “scattered apocalypse” feels very apt.
I know, right?
Just catching up on some blog reading after a small hiatus of extreme busyness. I hope you are maybe feeling a little better now, sending big hugs your way in case you are not. Still in disbelief over the pond here, four more years feels like a life sentance, cannot imagine what it is like to living through it.
I feel stronger, less shell shocked. But not really ‘better’. Still angry at the voters, and very worried about what the future will bring. The first term, he had sane people around him, sane people who said he is dangerous. Now he will be surrounded by sycophants and people with agendas that I don’t want to contemplate.
All those are great. Thanks so much for sharing. That Onion headline made me guffaw. It’s been such a shirrt week. I’m truly exhausted. And still pretty numb. It’s just nuts how the whole country shifted to the right. Every demographic.
Ugh I can’t even write about it. It makes me ragey. Fuuuuck.
Yes, still feeling ragey around here, too.
Allison McCaskill
You laugh or you cry, right? Or you do both. My family tends to deal with everything, up to and including death, with twisted humour.
We’re doing both. But yeah, these did make me laugh.
Not feeling better either, Jules. I am trying to distract myself because every time I think about what happened, I get a stomachache. Humor will help in the next four years though.
So glad we have our community of like-minded people <3
Me too! I feel like I have my online therapy with everyone.