My Oxford Year + Bonus Content

My Oxford Year ~ Julia Whelan (yes, that Julia Whelan)

Ella is a young American woman who travels to Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar to study for a year. At the same time, she is offered a career changing opportunity to work on a political campaign back in the states, a job she is assured she can do long distance. Oh, and she quickly falls for a sassy local, Jamie, who is teaching one of her classes. They really like each other, but she is only there for one year, so they decide to keep it light, keep it fun, keep it temporary. It’s going to be a busy year.

My Oxford Year starts out as a typical rom-com, but turns into something more. Without going into too much detail, I will simply say that I enjoyed this book, which Whelan adapted from a screenplay by Allison Burnett, and which Burnett is turning into a film for Netflix. I liked Jamie and Emma, I liked the side characters, I liked the feel of it, I thought it was a charming read. Bonus that there is a quick mention of Grasse, France, where I spent a day on my ‘No Regrets Trip’ in 2022. There were some predictable plot points (aka, the major one), and I would have liked some smaller story lines to not simply disappear, but I feel like that is kind of standard for romantic novels. I listened to the audiobook, which of course was read by Whelan, who does excellent work. Recommended.

Bonus Content


Inspired by Sarah, I cleaned out my personal email account last week. I put emails into folders, and of course a lot go in the trash, but I hadn’t really gone in and sorted it out in almost 2 years. The last time it was empty of all but things I needed to remember was January of 2023. So I thought, maybe I’ll make it a 2025 resolution. Then I thought, future J would love it if I just do it now (thanks Sarah, for the shift in thinking that helped me get it done!), and I vowed to put in 1/2 hour here and there until I got it completed, and hoped I would be finished by January. I was finished in about 1.5 hours. I’m also doing the ‘unsubscribe’ thing, which works well with valid organizations, but I’m not convinced on the actual spam. It’s better, though.

Inspired by Jenny, I bought some new candles when I was out with my friend recently. Inspired by Stephany, I decided that before I start burning those candles, I would finish up all of my 1/2 to 3/4 burned candles. I can declutter and not waste candles, which is great. It’s the perfect time of year for it, since it’s getting dark earlier, and I’ve been enjoying it. Thanks ladies!

Inspired by Sustainablemum, I have twice in recent weeks served leftovers for dinner without any feelings of guilt. Why do I sometimes feel guilty for serving leftovers? I have no idea. Ted and Maya couldn’t care less, they’re just thankful to come home after a long day of work and find food ready for them. But I embraced it, in the mode of 1. not letting food go to waste, and 2. saving money. Yay me!

Where we are now

Stupid resident squirrel George Bush has taken to nibbling the new shoots on my poor avocado tree, which I cut back (severely) due to a heat wave we had that almost killed it. It’s bouncing back, and I tried coffee grounds on the soil to stop the squirrels from burying their acorns, because they were knocking down the shoots in the process. Nance suggested putting river rocks in at the base to keep them from digging, which I was going to do and made perfect sense, but then they started eating my plant. I’m not convinced stones will help with that. So I bought a tomato cage and some mesh to cover it and am hoping for the best. Pray for my poor avocado plant, she only wants to live in this world!

Blogging Fun

Thanks to Birchie, Kyria, and Elisabeth for the beautiful post cards! You have made checking my mail fun again! You all inspired me to send a few post cards of my own. <3

Existential Dread

Of course today is Election Day in the United States, and we’re all stressed out, waiting and hoping. I remember how hopeful I was for Clinton back in 2016, and how bitter I felt when she lost. I remember how excited my Grandma and Great Aunt were to finally have a woman as President. Now they’re both gone. I hope they’re pulling some strings and getting shit done, so we don’t have to try to survive 4 more years of Trump. As one of Ted’s friends used to say, “Stout hearts, friends.” If Harris wins, I’m repeating my 2020 celebration and buying the good champagne.


  • Jenny

    Glad I could be your candle inspiration! I’ve been lighting mine every day (I rotate scents) and I love it.
    Yep- the big day is here. I could still cry when I think about what happened in 2016. This time I’m prepared for anything. Stout hearts, indeed.

  • AC

    Leftovers are the best. I have been known to double the recipe in order to ensure this. I don’t usually read book reviews, but I am glad that I saw more in this post. It’s just that I figure that I will never read those books.

    • J

      We sometimes double recipes so we can freeze the leftovers, too. Regarding book reviews, I know they’re not everyone’s jam. Keep your eye out for the title of the post…if it says ‘Bonus Content’, there will be more than just the review.

  • Ally Bean

    I like the postcards. Don’t know when I last even saw any for sale. Today I’m trying to distract myself from the existential dread. Many comments will be left, many cookies will be baked. No news until after 9:00 p.m. ?

    • J

      Several years ago I needed to buy postcards so I could send them for a political thing I think, and I had a heck of a time finding them! I bought a bunch online, and sometimes if I’m somewhere touristy I will pick up a few.

  • Tobia | craftaliciousme

    Fingers crossed that good champagne is in your hands by end of the week.

    I really need t tackel my inbox. I go through it every month when doing my taxes and sort things but it is still so much. Soe emails I want to read, others I dont know where to put. It’s a mess. I believe I jhave never had an inbox zero in my life.

    I am actually running low on candles. I keep all the remains of burnt down candles and then reheat the wax and mike my own candles. But my last batch got all used up and i dont have much remains for new ones. I guess that means i did rather good in using things up.

  • Diane

    Julia Whelan! There have been a couple books where I didn’t know if the book was good or if Julia Whelan was just excellent.
    Sunday is always leftover night at our house. I call it “Clean out the Fridge” night. In truth, the 12 year old and I eat leftovers. The rest of the family eats sandwiches. Oh well. As long as I don’t have to cook.
    I’m really following the saga of your avocado tree! Gripping.
    Also gripping is today. I’m going to go to work and bury myself for a little bit.

    • J

      I’m with you, as long as I don’t have to cook, I don’t care what people eat. Maya sometimes will make eggs if she doesn’t want what we have leftover.

  • nance

    George Bush continues to be aptly named. Good luck with your netting; I hope it works. The only other alternative I can think of is to actually feed that asshole, which seems all kinds of wrong. Still, you could put food (shelly raw peanuts, feed corn on the cob, etc) in the complete opposite area while your dear avocado tree is sprouting.

    I would love to lend you Marlowe and Piper, who I often run out at the squirrels who interfere with my porch-feeding bluejays, but alas! you refuse to relocate to NEO.

    Rick banned candles here at the Dept. ages ago when he used to work for a fire restoration company. It scared the hell out of him to see how many fires were started by candles. I miss them, and we were always very safe about them, but he really was adamant, so I acquiesced with sympathy.

    And we love leftovers! The boys used to call them Sameovers, LOL.

    • J

      I think we need an outdoor cat to post in our front yard, and another in our back yard. Frustrating. I’m afraid if I feed the squirrels, they will just invite their friends. I already have George Bush, do I really need Dick Cheney hanging around messing things up? NO.

      LOL on sameovers. I love that.

      • Meike

        Shout out for leftover dinners! It’s soup weather now and that is usually better on the 2nd day anyway.
        My stomach is in knots because of the election. Trying to mentally prepare my kids for a poteential Trump win is no fun. How do you explain to teenagers how a lying, cheating, hateful person can possibly become president again?

        • J

          I don’t know how to explain this stuff. I can’t believe we even have to explain that he’s gotten as far as he has. SO MANY THINGS have happened where people say, “That’s it for his political career!”, and for anyone else it would be. What is it with this man???

  • Kyria @ Travel Spot

    I am so glad that you were inspired by the postcards! I have always been a postcard writer and one of the (few) things I did not throw away were the postcards I have received over the years. I have ones dating back to the 80s, and it is so fun to look back on them! I always send postcards when I am traveling and sometimes even when I am at home! Even now, my Mom will take a photo for me so I don’t miss out if I get something fun.

    Also, your avocodo is looking good! Hopefully the rain this winter will help it along and you will have a nice big plant next spring. Those deer are so annoying though; my Mom had to put netting on all of her raised beds and they still got in sometimes and ate stuff!

    • J

      I think deer are indeed the worst! Thankfully they wouldn’t fit through our gate. But the squirrels! UGH. I have murderous thoughts about them.

  • NGS

    Today when I left the polling place, I felt very 2016ish. I was giddy with excitement. And we all know how that turned out in 2016. Fingers crossed for a different result this time around.

    • J

      Oh goodness, yes DIFFERENT RESULTS THIS TIME. I remember the results coming in, and getting a horrible stomach ache and going to bed, depressed. It was so unimaginable to me. And yet, here we are, up against it again.

  • Lisa’s Yarns

    That damn squirrel!!!!

    That election distraction comic is spot on. I am trying to be optimistic. I know we likely won’t know the final result tonight when I go to bed. But I am so desperate for Trump to be gone. I will be devastated if he wins.

    • J

      OMG, yes, I will be devastated as well! Hoping SO HARD for a decisive Harris win! Before bedtime would be awesome, but if the polls are anything close to correct, it will be at least a few days before we know. UGH.

  • Ernie

    Leftovers are my jam. It’s the only way I survive. I quaruple things, load it in the crockpot and then only have to plug in the crockpot a few days later.

    That damn George Bush.

    This book sounds lovely. One of these days I need to write down an actual list of books I want to read, AND remeber which notebook it’s in. *sigh*

    I’m envious of your email situation. I don’t think there’s any turning back from my email disaster. I’ve only ever deleted a handful of emails. But, I bet if I started with all of the ‘unread’ stuff, I’d get somewhere.

    I’m dying at the meme about putting something off for 6 months and learning nothing. My closet is calling me to get in there. But when will that happen?

  • Tricia M

    It sounds like you had a great year. I will say, after a long day, there are few better feelings than organizing the emails I received that day. Some people can have 400 unread emails, but I can’t handle seeing 1 unread email.

    • J

      Yeah, I never have unread emails for long, I get through those every day. It’s the sorting into folders that takes some time.

  • Margaret

    I’ve been to Grasse too–such a beautiful and fragrant place! I love leftovers unless they’re hard to heat up. Certain dishes are actually better the second or third day. (chili, tomato based things)

  • Melissa

    I love it when we have leftovers. It happens much more often now that the girls have moved out and E is at work a lot. Your squirrels sound like as much of a nuisance in the garden as our possums.

  • Elisabeth

    Like Ernie, I think that meme about learning nothing is hilarious – because it’s SO true. Time and time again I see that the stewing is worse than the doing and time and time again…I don’t learn from it.

    Yay for postcards. I’m so glad it arrived <3 It is HARD to find postcards where I live; in Europe they seem to literally be everywhere.

    I'm writing this comment in the early am in Canada after getting…3 hours sleep last night. I didn't intend to watch hours (and hours) of election coverage but I literally could not pull myself away. I know this is very much the result you were most dreading 🙁

  • Stephany

    I’m glad you’re burning those candles – I haven’t been great about burning mine recently but need to get back to it, especially all my lovely fall scents!

    I picked the wrong time to read this post because your last paragraph makes me so sad. I can’t believe it happened again. I’m so scared for America.

  • Maya

    It’s a bit romance-y for me; but I do love novels set in Oxford purely for grad school nostalgia–so on the list it goes! Thank you for all the great recs!

    • J

      Definitely predicable if you’re not a big fan of the romance, but te Oxford connection might make it worth your while?

  • Allison McCaskill

    I have been burning un-burned or partially-burned candles too! My daughter is so good at using hers, but I forget about mine. A candle in the darkness is a good metaphor for the ways I’m trying to counteract my ever-present feeling of dread right now.

  • San

    I love all the postcards that are circulating in our community right now! So cool! (Pun intended.)
    And way to go on trying to save your avocado tree. I hope the squirrels will not be able to get through the wire!

    Since I am commenting on this late, I don’t have to say anything about the election… other than UGH.