Mulder Update

I thought I’d let you know that Mulder is now 1 month in to his 6 month treatment plan. He was a little lethargic and had some tummy issues after the first treatment, but they gave us medication for that. Since then, he has been his normal happy self, no problems other than he is losing weight (but still eating normally), and that generally resolves itself soon enough, so our vet is not worried about it. She said his numbers are all looking good, he is responding well to treatment.
One more month of weekly appointments, then the next four months will be every other week, and then he will be done. Hopefully his remission will last a long long time.
Ally Bean
Yay Mulder. I’m pleased to read this. He’s has a big personality that jumps off the screen suggesting that in real life he is nothing but love.
Ally, you are right, he is nothing but love…unless you are a neighbor that dares to walk by our house, or a postal worker or something, and then he has to YELL AT YOU! But if you are such a person and stop to say hello, he turns back into love again.
Terrific news! I have been thinking of him and wondering about his progress. I know his tolerance of the treatment is giving you a great deal of relief. It’s so good to hear that he’s very much himself and doing so well. What a gift!
Such a relief! I was so worried that I was going to have a miserable time in France, that I was going to cry all over the place and just ruin it for myself and my cousin. But with happy updates from Ted and Maya, I didn’t really worry about him at all. Whew! I’m so hopeful that this treatment will give us at least a few more years with him.