Miscellaneous Monday
This is my favorite thing that Maya has shoved in my face and made me watch recently. We had a good laugh. It starts with ‘my mom with the cat she didn’t want’, and we agreed, that’s Ted with Mulder. If you enjoyed this video, watch the next one, where mom makes kitty a beautiful dress and sings to her.
Friday I slept until 7:15!!! I rarely am able to sleep that late, and it was DELICIOUS. I felt so well rested.

I had a relaxing day, which included using a reverse vending machine to recycle some cans for CRV (California Redemption Value), which was kind of novel but a bit time consuming. You have to put one container at a time, and wait for it to be accepted, then put in the next one. It’s convenient, it’s right by one of our local grocery stores. But I’ve tried to use it 3 or 4 times, and this was the first time it was not down for maintenance (maybe that means it was full before? I don’t know.) Will I continue to do this, or will I go back to putting them in the blue recycling bin? Hmmm. Maybe if I put that money in a specific account for a specific purpose it will make it more fun. Like money for makeup or vacation or something. Also on Friday, I had to go to the post office to buy postcard stamps, and though they close at 5pm, I got there at 5:02, and they didn’t even mention it to me, just sold me my stamps and were friendly. I thanked the teller who helped me, acknowledging that it was after hours.
Ted told us a funny Canada story. He was talking to a coworker and saying that he’d like to see Montreal, and the coworker said he was mugged in Montreal. The thief held him up at gunpoint, and took all of his cash – about $300. Then he said, “wait, you’re going to need some cash to get a cab back to your hotel” and gave him about $40 back. HA! I mean, there’s nothing funny about being held up at gunpoint, but the guy being thoughtful about the situation was funny.
Friday night, Ted had plans with some friends, so Maya and I got takeout and sat with the TV. We watched the first episode of Daria, which I haven’t seen since it first aired, and Maya had never seen before. Awesome.
Speaking of Daria, blog friend Daria had a post the other day that included a meme of Sisyphus pushing his rock up the mountain, which reminded me of a weird random thought I had last week, which was that Sisyphus is STILL pushing that damn rock up the mountain, and also Prometheus is STILL having his liver eaten every day by an eagle. I mean, wow. In honor of their eternal suffering, here are some memes I found.

Saturday I went to the #TeslaTakedown protest at our local Tesla dealership. I expected there to be maybe 20 people, but there were hundreds! Perhaps as many as 500 people! The beautiful weather was probably a factor, plus the fact that it was International Women’s Day. They protest there every Saturday at Noon. The protest was organized by our local chapter of Indivisible. I felt very heartened by it all, and am looking forward to going back next Saturday.
After that, Ted and I went to our local Ace Hardware store and bought a new outdoor grill! YAY! Our old one is SO OLD, the line that brings the gas to one of the burners has rusted out. So it was time. It will be delivered on Tuesday. We were just there buying a new garden hose (that asshole squirrel George Bush had eaten a hole in our old one) and decided to look at the grills, and when the salesman told us they would assemble it for us AND take away our old one, we were SOLD.
We spent Sunday adjusting to the time change and disappointing salesmen. We looked at sofas at two stores, but did not buy anything. We also test drove an electric Chevy Blazer, which also, we did not buy. We saw a couple of decent sofas, but nothing that we loved. We liked the Blazer, it was a very smooth ride, but wow, spendy. We’re lucky to be in a position where we do not NEED a new sofa, nor do we NEED a new car. Then we stopped and got takeout for dinner, then came home and watched White Lotus.
I hope you had a lovely weekend, and that you are adjusting to the time change stupidness as gently as possible.

You see how considerate Canadians are? Even the thieves.
Our bbq is sitting under the snow. It is 22 years old. I hope it works for another year.
Daria! I used to watch that years ago. Does the first episode have that weird teacher with the scary eyeball? Good show.
Wow, that protest sounds fun. I’m pretty sure we wouldn’t get 500 people at a protest like that down here. And, I like that Canada story- yet more proof that life is more civilized up there.
I forgot to tell you- I got your postcard last week! Thank you!!!
I chuckled at that muggling story–but it felt very White Lotus, you know!? Really close to the line of being uncomfortable.
Love the pic of you at the Tesla protest, J–and so glad you’re taking back the flag too. We can’t let the dumbasses use it for their hateful cruelty.
Those cat videos! That cat’s expression is so bewildered. Haha.
I felt SO SORRY for that cat.
Today is my cats’ birthday. They are actual brother and sister, and their documentation was very complete, having been born on someone’s porch and surrendered to a shelter. I will not be dressing them up as their celebration.
Thank you for protesting at the tesla dealership, and for the symbolism of the upside-down flag. I see that elon has gone full hitler now with the new haircut. He’s such an attention whore.
Living in Ohio, I feel like Sisyphus every damn day. But I keep writing letters to my republican congressmen anyway. Sigh.
Ally Bean
I like the Tesla Takedown event. I’ve no idea where our regional Tesla dealership is, now that I think about it. Yesterday I did see a lavender-colored Tesla with FL Disney license plates parked in front of Whole Foods. I paused to look at the car, not out of admiration, but because of the how one vehicle could represent so much potential offensiveness.
I’ve never heard of the show Daria. It sounds like something Mini and Curly and I would enjoy watching. I”ll have to figure out whether or not the very few streaming services that we get offer it. Did you see SNL over the weekend with Mike Meyers doing Elon? I saw a blip of it on my favorite news program this am. It was hilarious. The cat video was hilarious esp with the POV of my mom who didn’t want a cat. The minute I’m retired from my daycare, I’ll be shopping for couches. (had a typo there of ‘coaches’ and I often do that, perhaps because I type Coach so often, but I do not plan to shop for another Coach, so I’m glad I caught it). Our couches are 19 years old, but if I replace them too soon they will be drenched in baby spit. Our weekend was a whirlwind road trip to Omaha. 6.5 hours there early Sat and 6.5 hours back Sunday afternoon. As a result, I’m catching up on laundry today and went grocery shopping the minute we got home last night at the unfortunate time of 7:30 pm. We had a lot of fun visiting Tank though.