Meme Monday

This weekend’s decluttering task was the kitchen drawers. It’s disturbing how satisfying it is to throw things away. I pick things out that I think Goodwill might sell, and put those in a bag to donate. I pick things out that I think I can give away on my Buy Nothing group, and I post those. But a lot of things are just plain worn out.

Next weekend SHOULD be the cupboards where the pots and pans go, but I think I am going to skip that and come back to it. Our bathroom cabinets are a disaster and it is very difficult to find things. We have eleventy billion containers of who knows what in there, and I fear a disturbingly large amount of them are empty or half full of things that expired years ago or that we will never use. After that I think will be the linen closet. That is also a nightmare, full of things that we never use, never will use. Actually, the linen closet I could mostly do on my own without anyone else say what comes and goes, so I may just tackle that during the work day one day this week. We shall see.

I think maybe I like this New Year’s resolution more than last year’s even. I mean, pancakes are good, but getting rid of crap is so darn satisfying.


  • Ally Bean

    A couple of months ago I went through our bathroom supplies and was amazed/horrified by some of the expired items we had saved. Also I dislike those little samples that come with other products, but I’d kept them for years. I threw them out and felt wasteful, BUT the tidy bathroom made up for it. Good job with the drawers. I should do that, too.

    • J

      Oh, those stupid samples. I think I am going to have to make another resolution, to either use them or throw them away.

  • nance

    LOL on the potato masher. Mine is hanging up on a hook. I found that hanging up odd-shaped but useful kitchen tools not only prevents drawer mishaps, but keeps things handy.

    Isn’t purging and organizing so satisfying? And when you do it in small spurts, it’s almost fun and like a gift you’re giving yourself. Unfortunately, my cabinets have not stayed beautifully organized because of Rick, who ignores all my organizational attempts and just stuffs things in ham-handedly everywhere. He thinks he is helping, but in reality, he is not. Not at all.

    • J

      Nance, I feel your pain! I suspect I could re-do this resolution EVERY year because of just such issues. Though it’s mostly Maya and the fact that she doesn’t throw empty containers away (at least the bathroom issue. The kitchen is no one else caring if it looks nice, just wanting things to be put away…)

      The problem with organizing and making your cabinets perfect is that in order to maintain it to your standards, you would have to always do all of the clean up yourself. I’m not a fan of that.