Meme Monday

Sorry for that meme, but yeah, we all feel that way sometimes, right? I saved it for you awhile ago, and was reminded of it while out running errands with Ted the other day, when cut off by someone who then stopped short to turn into a driveway, of course without signaling. Sigh.
I hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving. We did. We went out to Ted’s parents house, just us 3, his parents, and his brother. We worked on being safe and socially distanced, and hopefully none of us had anything to pass around. We’ll see in a few weeks whether that worked or not. Other than the underlying stress of it, everything was lovely. Small gathering, but delicious food, good wine, and it was lovely to get together.
The following day, we had new windows installed in our house! This was a long overdue and very exciting day for us. Here are some photos.

In an attempt to get away from the noise and disruption of window installation, Maya and I deserted Ted and went for a 2.5 hour walk. When we got home, we dropped Mulder off at our neighbor’s house so he wouldn’t harass the workmen and run off when they left all of the doors open. They did a great job, and were finished within about 5 hours total. The place LOOKS better already, and it is quieter to have these new windows. Hopefully they will help with our energy bills, though time will tell on that. As generally happens when one makes home improvements, we are already eyeballing the place and trying to decide what is next. We need new floors, we would like to paint upstairs, and it would be great to get rid of our horrid bathtub in favor of a walk in shower. And of course, if one is going to dream, we can always dream of new cabinets in the kitchen and maybe even the bathrooms. And a professionally landscaped little yard. Sigh. For now at least, we have our new windows to enjoy (and pay for), so we will focus on that.
That meme is me all over the place. My car is often a Kindness-Free Zone.
It’s nuts how much of a difference new windows can make. The Quiet Factor alone is worth the cost to me. And I love how the newer windows make cleaning so much easier. I hate cleaning anyway, but fighting to do it is even worse.
Owning a home means a neverending list of stuff you’d really like to do. I’ve reached the Absolute End Of My Tolerance with my bathroom floor, though, and it has to go. Every time I look at it, I wonder, “What the hell was I thinking?” I honestly cannot say.
I am looking forward to how easy these will be to clean, but for the moment, I am just loving how clean they already are. And we are very lazy people so did not have our windows cleaned last year, so they were really filthy. The people who did it last time were hard on our screens and that had us a little gun shy, which enabled us to procrastinate heartily.
One thing I forgot to mention in my post is that the idiots who designed our townhome complex decided it would be swell to have a big window in the shower area. So you have to have a curtain to keep from ‘giving it away for free’ as Ted says. We had ‘obscure glass’ installed and now we can have light in there without a peep show. YAY!