“Me” Weekend

2014-01-24 17.17.38My job has a big rush right before and then again right after the year-end, and then it slows down a bit. I know, I take a week off between Christmas and New Year’s, but that’s but a brief lull. Now, after all of the states and cities and provinces have announced their tax changes for the year, now things slow down for a few minutes. Now is the time when I can, and do, take a few minutes for me. So…

  • I made some lovely bread the other day, from a recipe that I snagged from my friend Carla. Delicious. We had it with some split pea soup that I had frozen from New Year’s Day. That’s a picture up above. Isn’t it pretty?
  • Friday was my annual exam. You know the one. No? Pap. There, now you know. It’s my least favorite exam of the year, because it’s so invasive. There’s absolutely no privacy left at that one. But doing it makes me feel like a responsible adult, because I’m taking care of my health, blah blah blah.
  • Saturday I’m going to get my hair done.  I have a new method I’m trying.  I used to pay a ridiculous amount to get my hair done…over $150…for color and cut.  I’ve cut back on costs quite a bit by going to a local Paul Mitchell beauty school, which takes a long time, but saves a lot of money.  Now I’ve decided to try to save even more.  I like to get lowlights and highlights.  So I colored my hair a bit darker with a bottle from the drug store, and then I’ll go in and get highlights.  The drug store color wasn’t fabulous.  I think my hair has gotten too long, and I needed two bottles, but only had one.  Also, it’s a bit dull.  However, with a professional highlight on top, I think it will be nice, and perhaps even better than the students can do on their own.
  • Sunday, I’m going for a truly luxurious appointment.  One of my birthday (Christmas?  They run together for me) gifts was a massage appointment at the spa down the street.  Thanks to my wonderful husband, I’ll be getting my stress rubbed away.  The spa is attached to a health club, so if I can manage it, I’ll go sit in the hot tub ahead of time and make it extra yummy.
  • Monday, I’m playing hookey from work and going with Maya and the Human Rights Club at her school to serve meals to the homeless and poor at Glide Memorial in S.F.  I’m proud of her warm heart, and that she has belonged to this club for all 4 years of her high school, and worked with a similar club at her middle school, plus donates time to similar organizations with Girl Scouts.

So that’s my lovely weekend.  I’m looking very much forward to it.

Other good news, Maya has applied to 7 colleges.  She received her first letter on Thursday, a letter of acceptance from Mills College in Oakland, CA, just on the other side of the tunnel from us.  It’s a great school, and she’ll have a wonderful education there, if she goes.  It depends on the other schools, of course, and also upon what kind of financial aid offers she gets.  Mills is quite expensive.  She did get a merit based scholarship, but it’s not nearly enough.  So we’ll see.  But for now, I’m thrilled that she was accepted, and that all of her hard work these last many years is paying off.


  • Nance

    You made that gorgeous bread? It looks terrific. I am in awe of you. I would make that my meal; that and butter. Okay, and chardonnay. That bread, butter, and chardonnay.

    I’m getting a haircut next week, and like you, I think my hair is too long. I’m sort of at a Stuck Place in that I don’t really know what to do. It’s Freezing Wintertime here, and short short hair is Out Of The Question. My hair is now so fine that it doesn’t really hold layers anymore. I’m wondering if color will texture it more…? But I detest the idea of all that maintenance, especially since my hair is so dark and I have grey strands throughout and a huge grey streak in front.

    Blah blah, I know.

    Your Maya is a treasure. Beautiful and warm-hearted, this is a girl to hold close AND BUILD AN ELECTRIC FENCE AROUND. Um…just kidding. Poor Ted. He’s probably already feeling anxious. I remember what my dad told me a few years before he died, and he was quite serious. “You’re good-looking and smart, and that makes you bad company for most men.” I forget the context, but in many cases, and sadly, his remark is still true today.

    • J

      Nance, I know….bread, butter, and chardonnay. What an awesome meal. This bread was delicious, but I think I’d like something more French bread than Cuban bread (different texture), so I may try something else next time.

      Regarding the hair, color does tend to improve the texture. It damages it, which makes it lay better and feel softer. But the upkeep is a pain in the butt.

      Maya is indeed a treasure. I feel that we are so lucky to have gotten such a wonderful kid. I do understand that we have something to do with her turning out well, but I also think that parents can neither take all of the credit, nor all of the blame, and that a lot of it is just who they are.

  • Christine

    Mmm! Nom nom nom! Freshly baked bread and split pea soup are perfect together! That looks delish, J! We’re having split pea soup tonight and a friend sent over a freshly baked loaf of homemade bread. Little One and I aren’t much bread fans, but Hubby, growing up on a farm has bread with every meal!

    • J

      You’re not a fan of bread? I’d freak out, but I guess that means that one day, when we finally meet and sit down to eat together, you’ll let me steal some from your plate. Good. Tell me you don’t like avocados or wine either, and we’ll be BFF.

  • Ally Bean

    Your weekend sounds delightful to me. We’re stuck inside due to a blizzard, so just the thought of going somewhere, anywhere has a nice ring to it.

    I’ll be interested in finding out how your hair coloring experiment goes. I spend a small fortune at a salon to keep myself more blonde, than blah. Would like to save some money in that area.

    Yeah to Maya. One school in the bag, more to come. Good job to all three of you.

  • J

    Ally, my color experiment has me very happy! Do you get foils? That’s what I get, and they take forever and are expensive. Plus, 3/4 of the time (at least) I leave the salon with that little line right up by the part, which makes it look as though my hair has started to grow out already. I HATE THAT. 2 weeks in is one thing, but 2 minutes in is another entirely. So this time I saved some money (about $30 – $40) and it took less time as well. Of course the color I bought wasn’t free, but still. I think next time I’ll buy two bottles of hair color, and get it fully saturated. My hair will be a bit darker then, but that’s OK. Or maybe I won’t. Who knows. I like the brand….John Frieda Precision Foam. A bit time consuming to apply, but it felt more even, less risk of missing a spot somewhere, than colors I’ve used in the past. Total spent I’d say was $65, for home color, salon color, salon cut, and tip. Of course, as I say, I go to a beauty school, so it takes longer.

  • Ted

    That bread was quite lovely! I really enjoyed it, and like I said at dinner, it’s better than the bread we buy at the store.

    Enjoy your spa day/morning. Hope you get a swim in, too! 🙂

    • J

      It was a lovely morning! Went and had a swim, then a soak, then a shower and a massage. Came home and the teen was up, so we walked to Noahs for brunch. Truly lovely. Thank you to the best husband ever for the wonderful gift!

  • Gina

    Oh God, I love bread. I want to reach through the screen and stuff it in my face. I have taken to eating bread with some lovely sharp white cheddar, which is fabulous and totally fattening.

    Yay for Maya! Such an exciting time!

  • OmbudsBen

    Comments are closed in your “It’s Official” post, about the drought. so I’ve come here to say: Woo hoo — it’s raining today! And not just a drizzle. While I did the morning dogwalk with a friend, it was coming down fairly well for a bit. We enjoyed getting wet!

    congrats to Maya; I hope she gets into the college of her choice.