Maya went and got her hair done yesterday. She’s channeling Hayley Williams (from Paramore). Here’s Hayley, for comparison.

She’s cool, right? Maya’s cooler. And cuter.

I think the folks at our local Paul Mitchell beauty school did an awesome job, don’t you?
Cool cool hair….really lovely….and what an absolutely stunning young lady your Maya is 🙂
amy sue nathan
Love it. My daughter had pink and blue last summer…but I was the one who did it! Only lasted a week each time, although she still has the bleach blonde streaks to show for it! Next time we’re going pro, but the beauty schools around here look mighty shady.
Cute. My daughter would love it.
I love it! Very cute 🙂
Michelle at Scribbit
She’s so pretty–with or without the new hair she’s just a beauty.
Autumn's Mom
she’s way more beautiful!! I love it!!! Aut would be so jealous. I got mine done this weekend and I feel like myself again. ahhhhhhhh
Very cool!
I’m so glad she let you post pictures!
Sigh. Kids are so brave these days. I love that. One of my aides came in with the underneath of her hair completely teal today. I never would have had the guts to do that at their age. But I would have LOVED TO. (And my mom would have never allowed it, let alone my FATHER!) Isn’t it wonderful? And aren’t YOU?
hello J – your daughter is stunning. her hairstyle suits her very well. plus she’s young, so she can pull off that wild color! 🙂
WowZa! Poor Ted!!!! Just show her boyfriends your gun collection is all I can say!
Linda Atkins
Aw, she really looks lovely! (Yep, Hayley has some catching up to do. 🙂
Oh much, much cooler! All these joys in front of me…
Maya looks beautiful! Love the hair color. I’m sure some day my ‘n’ will be looking to do something daring with her hair.
Super cute!
Oh, WOW!!! Her hair looks amazing!!! Oh, and ummm…Maya looks soooooo grown up, J!!! I remember when I first started reading your blog, she was still a kid! Whoa! Time just whizzed by! What happened!?!
Can’t wait to see YOUR ‘do! You got your hair done too, right?
Karen MEG
Maya is absolutely stunning! I love those colours in her hair – and I know I spelled that word funny :)! The cut really suits her too!
Maya is waay cooler. Her Mom has every right to be very proud!