Margo’s Got Money Troubles
Margo’s Got Money Troubles ~ Rufi Thorpe
Margo is a student at a local community college who makes the stupid decision to sleep with her English professor. This winds her in predictable trouble when she finds herself pregnant and dumped. She is encouraged to either have an abortion or give the baby up, but she wants to be a good mother. At least, a better mother than the one she was raised by, a former waitress at Hooters who has moved on to working at Saks Fifth Avenue. Margo tries to juggle it all, roommates, work, school, but soon reality sets in and she realizes that babies are disruptive and expensive. Her roommates can’t take the crying, and they move out, leaving her with serious money troubles. Bad decisions are made.
I liked this book, but I didn’t love it. I feel like better decisions could have been made all along. Still, I was rooting for her, for her (pro wrestler) dad, for her friend. It kept me engaged. Recommended? Sure, why not. Not for the tween in your life.
What’s with all the book reviews? I’m participating in NaBloPoMo this month, writing a post a day. I decided that I would write about the books that I have read this year. For more NaBloPoMo participants, check out San’s list.

Ally Bean
I want to read this. I liked The Girls from Corona del Mar, Thorpe’s style charmed me. But more importantly congratulations on completing NaBloPoMo. You did it! Yay!!!
Yay, thank you Ally!
Happy Last Day of NaBloPo!
I really liked Margo. Yes, better decisions could have been made but then there would have been no book;-)
LOL, what a boring book if everyone did everything correctly, right?
Nicole MacPherson
Or for the Nicole in your life! I loved this so completely. It was such a wonderful examination on class, life, what it means to be a mother, family,etc. I just adored it, it was a five star read for me! Plus the writing style was so original and on a line level it was incredible!
I’m glad you loved it! I liked it, not sure I loved it.
I’ve loved this month of book reviews. When I’m back to my laptop, I’m going to do a tally of ones I’ve read and ones that are now on my TBR. I definitely have a few on my Kindle from your reviews earlier in the month.
I have a few more to go, but I’m going to take a couple of days before I start on those. It will be nice to feel all caught up!
I have heard of this book. I’ve noticed other bloggers mentioning that they’ve read it, or that they planned to read it. I’m already frustrated with Margo. What on earth? Maybe I’ll read it at some point.
I really enjoyed all the book reviews you shared this month. This was a great idea for NaBloPoMo.
Thanks Ernie!
Tobia | craftaliciousme
Thank you for the month of book reviews. It was such a fun thing to know we are treated with a new book every day. And I think you really have a way of recapturing it short and sweet. It was fun and I did add more than enough to my evergrowing TBR.
I tried to keep them short so as to not overwhelm people during NaBloPoMo, but I’ll admit…I liked the short format.
Allison McCaskill
I moved this up in the queue when Nicole loved it. I do sometimes get annoyed when people repeatedly make dumb decisions, so we’ll see.
I hope you like it!
I’m too much of a prude for this stupid book. It turns out I’m actually not really very sex-positive and the drug use absolutely did me in. I DNFed at page 128 and have no regrets.
LOL, Engie, I’ll admit I wondered about you when reading it, and whether it would be too much.