Local Theater…
We have a semi-tradition, which is that once a year, we go to San Francisco to see “A Christmas Carol” at the American Conservatory Theater. It’s a nice tradition, gets us in the mood for Christmas, and sometimes there’s even ice cream involved. Well, with one thing and another, we didn’t go this year. So, should it be a year without theater for us? I hope not. Ted did a spot on the radio the other day for the Reduced Shakespeare Company, which is in our humble town for the month of February. I’m hoping we can go…I’d like to see The Complete History of America (abridged). Could be pretty darned funny. My real hope, though, is that since Ted did a spot for them, he’ll be able to score some freebies through work. If not, we might have to suck it up and pay. Hey, there’s even an ice cream parlour right down the street from the theater…
free tickets would be a nice perk! if you go, please do a review… it sounds funny!
I agree with hellomelissa – I hope you score some free tickets and do a review. Oh, and please do get some ice cream. Yum! 😉
That looks hilarious! Do let us know how you liked it!
Oh.. Let us know when you plan to go. I think this would be funny and I haven’t been to the theatre for way too long.
Hey, there’s something wrong with the feed for here, because yesterday I didn’t get the notification for your post until really late last night, and I haven’t gotten anything for these two, either! Damn Bloglines…
The freebies are so fun. I hope you get to see it for free.
Before we had children we had season tickets to the broadway theater league shows here in our hometown. I always loved that. We saw a lot of great shows. After kids it was too hard to arrange a baby-sitter and an expense we could sacrifice. I hope it is good.
Py Korry
Those who have seen the show say it’s pretty funny. I talked to the account exec at that station, and he said he might be able to get some freebies. We’ll see if it trickles down to us.